**Official Dubstep Fans**
Official Dubstep Fans, or track makerz! Come Join this club and show us what you got! Track makers, After making the track come post it so we will vote on the cooliest track made in this club, So come Join the fun! PLEASE READ: ________________________________________________ NEWS: _________________________________________________ So far we had our first contest! More people are joining the group as well xDLets keep reaching our goal!!! Plus, if any of you guys have an idea for our group, tell me in the comments. Other than that another group is about to come! ________________________________________________ GOALS: 20 PEEPS ☑ 30 PEEPS☑ 40 PEEPS☑ 50 PEEPS☑ 60 PEEPS☐ 70 PEEPS☐ Make it Happen!
enderman lovers
this group is for people who love enderman.
Vocaloid/UTAU Fanclub
This group is aimed to be a general hub for all Vocaloid and UTAU related groups and content on Soundation. This group is both for people that work with, or are a fan of, Vocaloid and UTAU. This group will primarily feature all vocaloids created by PowerFX since they are direct products. I will give the spotlight to any other vocaloids or UTAUoids as necessary. Please post only Vocaloid/UTAU related work. This group is not for general track promotion. What Is Vocaloid? What is UTAU? For those of you that do not know: VOCALOID is a software developed by Yamaha corporation that allows the user to work with a sort of "virtual vocalist" by inputting lyrics, setting the notes (like a note clip editor in Soundation ;) ) and the software "sings" it to you with whatever vocal library (or Vocaloid) is active. To learn more about VOCALOID check it out here! You can also check out the Vocaloids offered by PowerFX! UTAU (pronounced oo-ta-oo) is a similar software to VOCALOID except it's completely free and independent. There are some hurdles to get over but once you get over them it's as valuable as having the Vocaloid 3 Editor :) Learn more about it here! Chatango chatroom! Just created a new chatroom over on Chatango.com for this group. Feel free to join in. Not many people in this group so it's probably going to be a little barren. Vocaloid/UTAU Fanclub VOCALOID News!I shall make an attempt to keep this page updated on any new Vocaloids. Special emphasis will be put on any new PowerFX Vocaloids but others will get mentioned :) nothing stirring! PowerFX Vocaloid Titles Big Al Sweet Ann Oliver YOHIOloid Ruby Other Vocaloid/UTAU-related groups VocaloidP3 Soundation Group Vocaloid and UTAU fanclub XJM's UTAUs My UTAUs Haku Lovers Kagamine Krazy! Avanna's Lounge Teto Lovers Ritsu Lovers IA Lovers CUL Lovers Defko Lovers Sukone Lover Gumi Lovers Luka Lovers Miku Maniacs Oliver Outstanding! Fantastic Big Al Don't bother reading this text (oops you just did ;3 )
Teto Lovers
Anyone heard of Kasane Teto here? Here are some songs! Lilium (Elfen Lied Opening) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWtx3Z7Q0pg The Disappearance of Kasane Teto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmrGaoZQzVk Confront! You Look So Cool! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNgCaDzrrUg I'll Quit Singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KulEbup0f8 A Fake DIVA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qucz-rYnnMc So0meone requested I post this, so... It's a Vocaloid AND UTAU fan site! ^-^ YOS WELCOOMS!!! https://soundation.com/group/vocaUTAU-fanclub
The Beats of Tomorrow
This is a group where everyone gets a fair shot at having their music featured! If you have a good song and you want to get it out there let me know and I'll see what I can do for you! Also the group "Music For Fun" is willing to help you with any questions you have and the admin is very helpful!
Ask All My Endermen
HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!Steps to be awesomazing in this group:1.Comment.2.Get answered.3.Go to my blog(My soundation page).4.Comment on my song "THE START OF SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL!".5.GET ANSWERED!!!6.Repeat. Oh my goodness......I am sorry.....but I am deleting ALL my ask enderman groups...TO MAKE IT INTO ONE BIIIIIG GROUP!Here are they're names and bios: Enderman: Name:Endry.Age:16.Gender:Female. Name:Endo.Age:22.Gender:Male. Name:Diamond.Age:20Gender:Female*TWINS*Name:Emerald.Age:20.Gender:Female. Name:End.Age:17.Gender:Male. Name:Endry.Age:21.Gender:Female. Name:Mina.Age:17.Gender:Female. Name:Enderchicken.Age:15.Gender:Male. Name:Buddy.Age:6.Gender:Male. Name:Tasha.Age:25.Gender:Female. Name:Milasandra.Age:18.Gender:Female. Name:Stacy.Age:16.Gender:Female. Name:Violet.Age:16.Gender:Female. Name:Katrina.Age:19.Gender:Female. Name:Artist100.Age:11.Gender:Female. Name:Ella.Age:16.Gender:Female. Name:Emma.Age:17.Gender:Female. Name:Mia.Age:16.Gender:Female. Name:Brandon.Age:16.Gender:Male. Name:Half.Age:19.Gender:Male. Name:Taylor.Age:20.Gender:Male. Name:Crystal.Age:14.Gender:Female. Name:Cammy.Age:17.Gender:Female. Name:Zoe.Age:20.Gender:Female. Name:Dina.Age:18.Gender:Female. Name:Kino.Age:30.Gender:Female. Dating:Name:Flower(Creeper).Age:19.Gender:Female.+Name:Derek(Enderman).Age:20.Gender:Male. Name:Ben(Enderman).Age:28.Gender:Male.+Name:Amanda(Creeper).Age:28.Gender:Girl. Families:Dad:Name:Creepy(Creeper).Age:30.Gender:Male+Mom:Name:Zon(Enderman)Age:29.Gender:Female.Daughter(s):Name:Rebacca(Creeper).Age:12.Gender:Female. Dad:Name:Joseph(Enderman).Age:54.Gender:Male.+Mom:Name:Mesna(Enderman).Age:53.Gender:Female.Daughter(s):Name:Amanda(Creeper).Age:28.Gender:Female. Name:Gifi(Enderman).Age:29.Gender:Female. ◊JOIN!!! ◊MAKE SONGS!!! ◊HAVE FUN!!! Sorry for all the endermen/creepers!I'm just a creeper/enderman-aholic