Newbies Corner
Hej! Ciao! Hola! Hello! We see you've found the new Soundation's Newbies Corner. :)Tell everyone a little bit about yourself. Where you're from, what's your audio background, who are your musical heroes, what are your dream collabs. Feel free to post a question here if you're curious about anything - there are no stupid questions. And if you are a Soundation pro, please don't hesitate to offer your experience and wisdom. We all had to start somewhere!
lazarbeam5 years ago
theoftus5 years ago
As I said in other song, try to keep to a consistent tempo and style. Currently, everything sounds too out of place, don't be afraid to use a sound and stick with it for a majority of the song! Let me know how you do and if you need any more help
lazarbeam5 years ago
lazarbeam5 years ago
follow and
lazarbeam5 years ago
KN9NE5 years ago
cool this is good, you improved
lazarbeam5 years ago
addingt2095 years ago
i need followers lol
lazarbeam5 years ago
👉ʀᴇʟᴀX ʙᴇᴀᴛᴢ👈5 years ago