The Bat crew

The Bat crew
This is the place where you can post your best tracks and get nice welcomed feedback that is truthful! Make sure you are posting tracks guys!!!
This is the place where you can post your best tracks and get nice welcomed feedback that is truthful! Make sure you are posting tracks guys!!!
The Bat crew


Cloudreamer (LEGGO FOR 75) Avatar
Cloudreamer (LEGGO FOR 75)9 years ago
Hi! I'm new to Soundation and I was wondering if you have any feedback for this song:
KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ9 years ago
Hey everybody, I know I've been gone for a long time but I'm back with my 1st banger in 5 months! Please listen to my track It's called "Shamisen"
Ozu Barua Avatar
Ozu Barua10 years ago
guyz check out my new track!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ozu Barua Avatar
Ozu Barua10 years ago
guyz check out my new track!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ10 years ago
Hey guys! check out my new RnBass Banger! Avatar years ago
Only just realized I got a featured track! Thanks, means a lot :-)
KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ10 years ago
Please listen to my new song called "Dreaming of you" it will mean SOO much to me if you gave this song a like and a comment saying you liked it. Its my greatest and most powerful song I have ever made!
KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ10 years ago
Hey guys, just posted my latest slapper! check it out