T.H.E talent of soundation

T.H.E talent of soundation
have fun make music and upload them c whos the best who had the most fun and who can make the funkyest chunes% i will give u info on ur songs also if you have any questions ask me in a comment and i will answer them % if ur songs are amazing then i will post ur song to lots of people around the world % get joining now % hi bro's if u have any mates can u tell them to come and join it would help alot thanks % also song of the week is !!!! T R I B A L !!!! by Jack ! well done mate % Check out other groups such as: https://soundation.com/group/musical-f-u-n % keep posting and getting bro's to join also well done to everyone that has put a track on %
have fun make music and upload them c whos the best who had the most fun and who can make the funkyest chunes% i will give u info on ur songs also if you have any questions ask me in a comment and i will answer them % if ur songs are amazing then i will post ur song to lots of people around the world % get joining now % hi bro's if u have any mates can u tell them to come and join it would help alot thanks % also song of the week is !!!! T R I B A L !!!! by Jack ! well done mate % Check out other groups such as: https://soundation.com/group/musical-f-u-n % keep posting and getting bro's to join also well done to everyone that has put a track on %
T.H.E talent of soundation


dxtr! Avatar
dxtr!11 years ago
well im here for the first activity in months
paulinaomel Avatar
paulinaomel12 years ago
Hi, look at my track. do u like my track?
theoftus Avatar
theoftus12 years ago
I'm back online! Get out your subwoofers for my new dubstep song, http://soundation.com/user/savaz1/track/super-basses-dubstep, and the house/club song http://soundation.com/user/savaz1/track/clubstep-house! PLS Listen............And Enjoy!
tirasunil Avatar
tirasunil13 years ago
All of my tracks are available for download NOW!
Rangers Techno Group Avatar
Rangers Techno Group13 years ago
hey guys whats up?
LAGGE% Avatar
LAGGE%13 years ago
check out official_TAZ his songs are great %