
Join us! Some people say that soundation is epic, and we aim to keep it that way. Post your songs! We'll be watching...
Itani Mulli avatarSenterpulse avatarIHeartMusic avatarThe Forgotten God avatarT-Roy avatarCyprasonic (a.k.a) Doc Regals avatarChaoz duck avatarTac9 avatarDJ-Beats  avatarDUTCH avatarCorpse avatarblaine kelly nelson avatarMadlizard avatarThe Black Hokage avatardamarcoflyboii avatarjag2583 avatarER_0R (And-Die) avatarLynxed avatarItsFrozenGD avatar𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖 avatar
Join us! Some people say that soundation is epic, and we aim to keep it that way. Post your songs! We'll be watching...


Lynxed Avatar
Lynxed10 years ago
Hey guys! A *gasps* new track?!?! YES! Listen here! -->
Lynxed Avatar
Lynxed10 years ago
Will you guys and gals take a listen please? -->
The Forgotten God Avatar
The Forgotten God10 years ago
Here are some of my new songs, if you guys want to listen to. Legend - The Last Moment Legend - The Heart Breaking Decision Forgotten - Forgotten Kingdom
Senterpulse Avatar
Senterpulse11 years ago
if you are looking for a random song by a guy you have a 94% chance of not discovering than congratulations introducing classic made by senterpulse...Enjoy or not it really depends
Itani Mulli Avatar
Itani Mulli11 years ago
Lol I might chane my name back to too much cofee. just a thought.
The Forgotten God Avatar
The Forgotten God11 years ago
Hey guys will you listen to my song "Something More" its not Finished, so please comment and leave feedback
Sean Foxx Avatar
Sean Foxx11 years ago
Brand new song! It will make you groove. Countdown:
The Forgotten God Avatar
The Forgotten God11 years ago
good songs guys, I liked monsters TMCoffee, I liked my sunset to TB, it was really good.
Itani Mulli Avatar
Itani Mulli11 years ago
Yeah forgotten, I have. Your track, wandere in space, really got my attention. Be sure to find more peeps for the group, and check out my song Monsters!