Orion Remix Contest (files out now!)

Orion Remix Contest (files out now!)
hi guys what's up? i am hosting the "Orion remix contest!" the finish date is 5 months after 2 guys join the contest. if no one joins the contest in a year, i'm cancelling it. have fun re-mixing! prizes: 1st place=premium account.(1 month) likes all of your tracks. collab? 5 samples from my inventory. recommends 2nd place 1 sound pack of your choice. likes 15 of your tracks. 2 samples from my inventory. recommends 3rd place likes 10 of your tracks. 2 samples from my inventory recommends runners up: every one participating will get a follow and i will like five of your tracks. down load the sng. file and samples here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2anmrdhmv1ioqy7/AAAouivEt4R55RZuxNXqn-TQa?dl=0 (thanks to soundation for making it early.) contest ends on august 28th
[this project has concluded] avatarohokay avatarMr.Tormix avatarOTydal avatarShards avatarRIVA avatarXx_TCM_xX avatarKatze avatarXWolf EDM  avatarSideShow avatarseeionevenknow avatarBlackjack avatarEuphoria avatarGalaxian avatar
hi guys what's up? i am hosting the "Orion remix contest!" the finish date is 5 months after 2 guys join the contest. if no one joins the contest in a year, i'm cancelling it. have fun re-mixing! prizes: 1st place=premium account.(1 month) likes all of your tracks. collab? 5 samples from my inventory. recommends 2nd place 1 sound pack of your choice. likes 15 of your tracks. 2 samples from my inventory. recommends 3rd place likes 10 of your tracks. 2 samples from my inventory recommends runners up: every one participating will get a follow and i will like five of your tracks. down load the sng. file and samples here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2anmrdhmv1ioqy7/AAAouivEt4R55RZuxNXqn-TQa?dl=0 (thanks to soundation for making it early.) contest ends on august 28th
Orion Remix Contest (files out now!)


Euphoria Avatar
Euphoria3 years ago
yes, I do realize the contest is over
Euphoria Avatar
Euphoria3 years ago
My remix probably isn't the most amazing thing in the world, but I kinda had to make one since my name is Orion
Aephyr Avatar
Aephyr5 years ago
im kinda just here...
ocolix  Avatar
ocolix 6 years ago
SideShow Avatar
SideShow6 years ago
yeah it ended a long time ago. i had won but lost that accound XD noob mistakes ig
ocolix  Avatar
ocolix 6 years ago
Maybe this ended already
ocolix  Avatar
ocolix 6 years ago
SideShow Avatar
SideShow6 years ago
cometo think of it i could have done somuch better
SideShow Avatar
SideShow6 years ago
I lost my account lol
Katze Avatar
Katze7 years ago
I probably should have posted the barely changed version I made :P but yeah