KE Presents: WubWub Creator

KE Presents: WubWub Creator
I am KE the Wubmachine Guru, I've received many messages and comments asking, "KE how do you make those filthy wobbles in soundation?" I have the answer for you my friends ;) the answer is this group. Below are some of the most deadliest recipes to ever come out of soundation and plenty more will come. *USERS MAY SEND IN REQUESTS* *WILL TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION OTHER USER SOUNDS* *WILL POST NEW SOUNDS WEEKLY* *EVERYONE MUST VISIT *ANDREAS TIPS N TRICKS* __ *HOW TO SUBMIT A SOUND* To submit a sound you need to take your mouse copy where it says SOUND TYPE: all the way down till its says sound complete, paste it in a notepad and change the knob percentages to the percentages of your sound and fx to the fx you used in the order you see them from left to right in the studio then email the notepad to __ *PLEASE RESPECT THE CREATORS BY FOLLOWING THIS ONE RULE* It would be appreciated if you gave the artist who created the sound credit because as you can obviously see these sounds are VERY difficult to make in soundation if you use a sound just say in the description of your track *I got this sound from this awesome group* __ *Reminder*- I will not go out of my way for any one person, if you feel the need for help comment your issue and i will be happy to assist you. however just so everyone can learn how to use soundation and better them selves i will not do it for you, you must follow the steps to the best of your ability. ;) __ *SOUND TYPE* :*Screecher* *INSTRUMENT* :*Wubmachine* *CREATOR* :*KRackEd EkHo* *SOUND EXAMPLE*: *I SCREAM* *STEPS* :*Inside Wubmachine* __ *ANALOG FILTER SECTION* *Type* Lowpass *Cutoff* 20hz *Res.* 17% *Drive* 30% __ *OSCILLATORS* *OSC1* Tab *Type* Square (the bottom one) *Pitch* +24 *Gain* 100% *Shape* 0% *Glide* 0% *Reese* off. *OSC2* Tab *Type* Triangle (the top one) *Pitch* +7 *Gain* 100% *Shape* 100% *Glide* 0% *SUB* Tab *Gain* 65% *Shape* 50% *Glide* 0% *Volume LFO Mod* off *Bypass Filter* on. __ *LFO SECTION* *Type* Descending Saw (Third one down) *Speed* 0% *Depth* 6% *Phase* 0% *Key tracking* 0% *Retrigger* on *Loop* off. __ *GLOBAL KNOBS* *M.S.L* 100% *Filth* off *Unison* off __ *Wubmachine Section Complete* __ *FX in this order* *Delay* Lft-2ms / Rht-7ms / Feed-35% / Filter-13%/ Wet-44% / Dry-100% *Distortion* Type-W2 / Gain-3% / Vol- *-*20 to *-*14 dbs / *Phaser* Feed-85% / Rate-0% / Depth-75% / Color-78% / Wet-60% / Dry-100% *Distortion* Type-FldBak Gain-6% Vol- *-*20 to *-*12 *Reverb* No Changes (Optional) *Phaser* Feed-20% / Rate-0% / Depth-50% / Color-50% / Wet-50% / Dry-100% / *Equalizer* Low-60 to 80 / Mid-50 to 60 / High-55 to 65 (Personal Preference) __ *SOUND COMPLETE* __ *Sound Description*: Great as a filler or a main drop sound, best in *Note Clip* at *C5* sounds better when a sub is layered also this only works when the notes in the clip are fast little notes not one long extended one ____ *SOUND TYPE* :*WubWub* *INSTRUMENT* :*Wubmachine* *CREATOR* :*KRackEd EkHo* *SOUND EXAMPLE*: *I GO WUBWUB* *STEPS* :*Inside Wubmachine* __ *ANALOG FILTER SECTION* *Type* Lowpass *Cutoff* 1423hz *Res* 5% *Drive* to 100% __ *OSCILLATORS* *OSC1* Tab *Type* Square (the bottom one) *Pitch* 0 *Gain* 100% *Shape* 7% *Glide* 70% *Reese* off *OSC2* Tab *Type* Triangle (the top one) *Pitch* +12 *Gain* 100% *Shape* 0% *Glide* 70% *SUB* Tab *Gain* 13% *Shape* 37% *Glide* 70% *Volume LFO Mod* off *Bypass Filter* off __ *LFO SECTION* *Type* Rising Saw (Fourth one down) *Speed* 11% *Depth* 13% *Phase* 100% *Key tracking* 0% *Retrigger* off *Loop* off. __ *GLOBAL KNOBS* *M.S.L* 0% *Filth* off *Unison* on *Unison Amount* 13% *Unison Count* 1 __ *Wubmachine Section Complete* __ *FX in this order* *Distortion* Type-FldBak / Gain-14% / Vol- *-*8 to *-*4 dbs *Phaser* Feed-30% / Rate-57% (Rate Adjustable) / Depth-57% / Color-50% / Wet-68% / Dry-100% *Filter* (Optional) Highpass Cutoff 80hz to 300hz (Personal Preferance) *Delay* Lft-5ms / Rht-2ms / Feed-6% / Filter-100% / Wet-100% / Dry-80% *Compressor* Attk-8% / Rlese-20% / Ratio-50% / Thresh-60% / Gain-54% *Reverb* (No changes accept size) Size-40% *Equalizer* Low-50 to 60 / Mid-50 to 60 / High-55 to 65 (Personal Preference) __ *Sound Complete* __ *Sound Description*: Awesome main bass and could also pass as a sick filler aswell. Best played in the *Note Clip* at *C2* *C3* and in some circumstances *C4* Sounds better when a sub is layered. ____
I am KE the Wubmachine Guru, I've received many messages and comments asking, "KE how do you make those filthy wobbles in soundation?" I have the answer for you my friends ;) the answer is this group. Below are some of the most deadliest recipes to ever come out of soundation and plenty more will come. *USERS MAY SEND IN REQUESTS* *WILL TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION OTHER USER SOUNDS* *WILL POST NEW SOUNDS WEEKLY* *EVERYONE MUST VISIT *ANDREAS TIPS N TRICKS* __ *HOW TO SUBMIT A SOUND* To submit a sound you need to take your mouse copy where it says SOUND TYPE: all the way down till its says sound complete, paste it in a notepad and change the knob percentages to the percentages of your sound and fx to the fx you used in the order you see them from left to right in the studio then email the notepad to __ *PLEASE RESPECT THE CREATORS BY FOLLOWING THIS ONE RULE* It would be appreciated if you gave the artist who created the sound credit because as you can obviously see these sounds are VERY difficult to make in soundation if you use a sound just say in the description of your track *I got this sound from this awesome group* __ *Reminder*- I will not go out of my way for any one person, if you feel the need for help comment your issue and i will be happy to assist you. however just so everyone can learn how to use soundation and better them selves i will not do it for you, you must follow the steps to the best of your ability. ;) __ *SOUND TYPE* :*Screecher* *INSTRUMENT* :*Wubmachine* *CREATOR* :*KRackEd EkHo* *SOUND EXAMPLE*: *I SCREAM* *STEPS* :*Inside Wubmachine* __ *ANALOG FILTER SECTION* *Type* Lowpass *Cutoff* 20hz *Res.* 17% *Drive* 30% __ *OSCILLATORS* *OSC1* Tab *Type* Square (the bottom one) *Pitch* +24 *Gain* 100% *Shape* 0% *Glide* 0% *Reese* off. *OSC2* Tab *Type* Triangle (the top one) *Pitch* +7 *Gain* 100% *Shape* 100% *Glide* 0% *SUB* Tab *Gain* 65% *Shape* 50% *Glide* 0% *Volume LFO Mod* off *Bypass Filter* on. __ *LFO SECTION* *Type* Descending Saw (Third one down) *Speed* 0% *Depth* 6% *Phase* 0% *Key tracking* 0% *Retrigger* on *Loop* off. __ *GLOBAL KNOBS* *M.S.L* 100% *Filth* off *Unison* off __ *Wubmachine Section Complete* __ *FX in this order* *Delay* Lft-2ms / Rht-7ms / Feed-35% / Filter-13%/ Wet-44% / Dry-100% *Distortion* Type-W2 / Gain-3% / Vol- *-*20 to *-*14 dbs / *Phaser* Feed-85% / Rate-0% / Depth-75% / Color-78% / Wet-60% / Dry-100% *Distortion* Type-FldBak Gain-6% Vol- *-*20 to *-*12 *Reverb* No Changes (Optional) *Phaser* Feed-20% / Rate-0% / Depth-50% / Color-50% / Wet-50% / Dry-100% / *Equalizer* Low-60 to 80 / Mid-50 to 60 / High-55 to 65 (Personal Preference) __ *SOUND COMPLETE* __ *Sound Description*: Great as a filler or a main drop sound, best in *Note Clip* at *C5* sounds better when a sub is layered also this only works when the notes in the clip are fast little notes not one long extended one ____ *SOUND TYPE* :*WubWub* *INSTRUMENT* :*Wubmachine* *CREATOR* :*KRackEd EkHo* *SOUND EXAMPLE*: *I GO WUBWUB* *STEPS* :*Inside Wubmachine* __ *ANALOG FILTER SECTION* *Type* Lowpass *Cutoff* 1423hz *Res* 5% *Drive* to 100% __ *OSCILLATORS* *OSC1* Tab *Type* Square (the bottom one) *Pitch* 0 *Gain* 100% *Shape* 7% *Glide* 70% *Reese* off *OSC2* Tab *Type* Triangle (the top one) *Pitch* +12 *Gain* 100% *Shape* 0% *Glide* 70% *SUB* Tab *Gain* 13% *Shape* 37% *Glide* 70% *Volume LFO Mod* off *Bypass Filter* off __ *LFO SECTION* *Type* Rising Saw (Fourth one down) *Speed* 11% *Depth* 13% *Phase* 100% *Key tracking* 0% *Retrigger* off *Loop* off. __ *GLOBAL KNOBS* *M.S.L* 0% *Filth* off *Unison* on *Unison Amount* 13% *Unison Count* 1 __ *Wubmachine Section Complete* __ *FX in this order* *Distortion* Type-FldBak / Gain-14% / Vol- *-*8 to *-*4 dbs *Phaser* Feed-30% / Rate-57% (Rate Adjustable) / Depth-57% / Color-50% / Wet-68% / Dry-100% *Filter* (Optional) Highpass Cutoff 80hz to 300hz (Personal Preferance) *Delay* Lft-5ms / Rht-2ms / Feed-6% / Filter-100% / Wet-100% / Dry-80% *Compressor* Attk-8% / Rlese-20% / Ratio-50% / Thresh-60% / Gain-54% *Reverb* (No changes accept size) Size-40% *Equalizer* Low-50 to 60 / Mid-50 to 60 / High-55 to 65 (Personal Preference) __ *Sound Complete* __ *Sound Description*: Awesome main bass and could also pass as a sick filler aswell. Best played in the *Note Clip* at *C2* *C3* and in some circumstances *C4* Sounds better when a sub is layered. ____
KE Presents: WubWub Creator


BASS4ROG10 years ago
MAKE SURE you guys do whatever it takes to make sure Kracked Ekho's hacker sees this
false blonde Avatar
false blonde10 years ago
Hey! I'd really appreciate it if you could check out my Gold Skies remix here and vote for it in Cal's contest here . Any support is greatly appreciated.
SOWI Avatar
SOWI10 years ago
Hi! this is my first song ... I hope you like it ...
FuriousEmber Avatar
FuriousEmber10 years ago
Kracked Ekho, In my opinion putting up atleast 1 more example would help alot :)
Tac9 Avatar
Tac910 years ago
Can you make a riddim dubstep kind of wub/synth?
Kracked Ekho / illRipper Avatar
Kracked Ekho / illRipper10 years ago
no use the simple, triangle triangle triangle all at -12 pitch and add a distortion with clip and adjust around 10 or 5%
U-Neon Avatar
U-Neon10 years ago
@KSmuthi Late correction :D I meant low-passing XD
KSmuthi Avatar
KSmuthi10 years ago
So I am still looking for a way to make a sub bass to go well with an 808. :)
KSmuthi Avatar
KSmuthi10 years ago
Well, Hi passing doesn't make sense but I tried it anyway and it didn't seem to work. I had already known the low-pass and bad recording method but thanks anyway.