[EXZ]Group For Music

[EXZ]Group For Music
This is the Group for people that like to listen and make music!!!
Lunarian KN avatarThe Uncommon Effect avatarSLOCM3Z avatarCyprasonic (a.k.a) Doc Regals avatarM-possible avatarMONOXIDE avatarViolight avatarDJ Sel Sensei avatarDJ Storm avatarGøldenBeats  avatardarkrazor2099 avataraaron avatarNesta Malcolm avatarNightHawk avatarBrightt avatarBrown Beatz avatarLIL-B    avatarZaddy avatarCloudreamer (LEGGO FOR 75) avatariNFCT avatarProd. Tranquillo avatar
This is the Group for people that like to listen and make music!!!
[EXZ]Group For Music


Nesta Malcolm Avatar
Nesta Malcolm7 years ago
Check out my latest track, "Abstract" I put so much work into it! support would be greatly appreciated! <3
Lunarian KN Avatar
Lunarian KN7 years ago
Nesta Malcolm Avatar
Nesta Malcolm8 years ago
Brightt Avatar
Brightt9 years ago
Hey, come checkout my new song here - https://soundation.com/user/Brighto/track/brighto-comeback-free-dl I personally think it is my best song (With Street Lights close behind) You should really go check it out. I bet you will like it. Have a good day!
aaron Avatar
aaron9 years ago
Hey guys! Please go check out my song rap beats (rekt) Its one of my best songs so far Enjoy :{D
Nesta Malcolm Avatar
Nesta Malcolm9 years ago
Check out my new bigroom track and get ready to jump! its called 'Speed' (my best yet)...Enjoy peeps!
Nesta Malcolm Avatar
Nesta Malcolm9 years ago
Hey guys! it would be a dream come true if my new track 'Blizzard' got top trending, or better yet featured! i need all the help i can get! Thanks guys! <3
Nesta Malcolm Avatar
Nesta Malcolm9 years ago
Hey guys! Go check out 'Forbidden Vibes' , Its my new collab with Still Jaywalking. Enjoy! :D