Official Judges of the contest are
Noah HoskinsOwen CreedElephant SkeletonsMaybe Deadmau5If he isn't too busy, we will see, and yes. I have his contacts
ROIX.REMIX FEEDBACKPROSAwesome Drum kit your using!
The lyrics are well synced with the song.
The bass is.. bassy lol
Lots of gems in the track. Some great smooth breaks
CONSI like the lyrics. Nice voice but.... the song is titled "Entering Our Dreams" not an inspirational rap to incourage people with depression. Imean I t sounds a little off from the title.
The wubs have too much threshold. Its competing with the lead and drums. Make it a whole, loosen that wub intensity.
KCM7 years ago
Owen The Owl Guy7 years ago
Thanks everyone for participating! Hope yall have fun
Owen The Owl Guy7 years ago
First place goes to KIWXI Second Goes to TRILL/\N and THRID goes to ROIX.
Owen The Owl Guy7 years ago
Numbers are in! (Deadmau5 did not judge sadly) SO HERE ARE THE WINNERS
Owen The Owl Guy7 years ago
Judges are starting to review! GET ready for tomorrow for 3 winners are announced
Owen The Owl Guy7 years ago
As it 12:00 (East Coast) on the 29th on September today is the final day for submissions, any time after, tracks will not be judged.
Caffeinayt7 years ago
Can I have his contact info???
Owen The Owl Guy7 years ago
Official Judges of the contest are Noah Hoskins Owen Creed Elephant Skeletons Maybe Deadmau5 If he isn't too busy, we will see, and yes. I have his contacts
Owen The Owl Guy7 years ago
ROIX. REMIX FEEDBACK PROS Awesome Drum kit your using! The lyrics are well synced with the song. The bass is.. bassy lol Lots of gems in the track. Some great smooth breaks CONS I like the lyrics. Nice voice but.... the song is titled "Entering Our Dreams" not an inspirational rap to incourage people with depression. Imean I t sounds a little off from the title. The wubs have too much threshold. Its competing with the lead and drums. Make it a whole, loosen that wub intensity.
.7 years ago