For The Best of The Best
If you think you got skill ask me and i will send you an invite at the end of each month 3 tracks will be chosen as the BEST (by your opinion) _______________________________________________ THESE 3 TRACKS SHOULD BE PUT IN THE COMMENTS BY THE 7th OF EACH MONTH OR ELSE I WILL HAND PICK 3 RANDOM TRACKS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a contest for group member. Prizes will be discussed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *WIP* Any work in progresses posted should be deleted if the next one is posted or if the final version is posted. What I mean is you can post work in progresses but its your responsibility to delete them afterwords. *********************************************************************************************************************************** *Current Featured Users:* Paradox(Me) Follow here: M-Possible Follow here: Rynn Follow here: Tydal Wave Follow here: Taggest Follow here: K.Nino Follow here: KRackEd EkHo Follow here: cyberbit Follow here: RENEGADE Follow here: Adriel Quiles Follow Here: Cyclosa(Formerly Digital Demon) Follow Here: S/\V/\Z Follow here: M.G.S. Follow here: J-SNAP Follow here: Elizade(Formerly DJay) Follow here: ☣Ludwig Productions☣ Follow here: Sean Foxx Follow here: Bass4rog Follow here: If you in this group by March,2014 then you will be added to the Featured Users list! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Featured Groups*: Music for Fun Join here: Addict of Soundation Join here: *Best Users under 21* (join only if your under 21) Join here: Ask to join here: Cheapskates (free users unite!) Join here: Join here: Join here: Join here: Join here: Join here: Join here: Join here: *Suggest Groups in the comments to put them in the blank spots! :D* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *NEWS UPDATES* For some reason the links to,Savaz and J-Snap are not working so if you want to follow them just click thier icon!I will see if I can fix this but it might take time! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please try to advertise this group as much as possible but dont spam it every where.I want this group to be filled with talented people and also some less talented people(no offense) so they can learn a bit and become better. **************************************************************************** _______________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
~TrueMusic~(2016 Update)
This group is for people who want to contribute there music to more people and listen to and beginners could learn more and get more advanced in to making their tracks. PLEASE POST TRACKS however many as you can. Featured tracks will be changed every Monday and Friday. If you want them featured make sure they're good. Please give feedback on my tracks as well. !!!! Have Fun Guys !!!! :D
Alright lets get started. lets see who could beat the last beat each person did Rules *no mean comments *no ads HAHA JK
Please only post midi tracks and don't forget to click the FOLLOW BUTTON If you want your track featured just send me a pm of it I'll think about it and decide if I want it to be featured. sometimes If it's REALLY good then I will keep it featured longer. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Features)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ~~~~~~~~~~~Other great groups to check out~~~~~~~~~~~ - - - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~Great tracks to check out~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((SoundCloud)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) __________-Soundcloud Users to Check Out-__________ - - - - - - ---------------_Soundcloud Tracks to check out_---------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ All this will be changed every 2/3 weeks, on Friday's.
The Best Users Under 21
Anyone (Under 21 years old) can join this group! I'm not active enough to update the Featured tracks (im lazy af), so I will no longer being doing that. Meanwhile, see what nice tracks we young people can come up with!
If you like bass drops join if your a beginner join any one join rules 1.there are no rules
Anyone can join
Hi there; If you love your music and you really want to share it - then this group is the right one for you.This is a contest if someone is not in that group you can still join. Contestants should create and post any track they want. You will recieve points based on the following: Rhythm, Effort and Originality. RULES: The only rule I have is NO SWEARING or CURSING PPL what so ever Other wise have fun and Enjoy posting your tracks :)
Electronic Music
Join this if you like Electronic music, and feel free to invite people who make electronic music. Thanks
post your wips here people
This is a group for a wide variety of music! Welcome to all! Feel free to join this group. :) Have a splendid spring! Anyone got some fresh new beats for the new season? Let's go! We made it to over 1500! Thank you so much for all your support! Keep the tracks coming everyone!
T-Roy11 years ago
It makes you finish lol
M-possible11 years ago
I don't know but keep listening
false blonde11 years ago