Pure Dubstep Tips & Help
DuBsTeP iS tHe NaMe Of ThE gAmE
Music Is The Weapon
Hello! Make yourself at Home! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *•••◄Update►•••* *May 31, 2018 [12:10AM]* Well I suppose it is safe to say that this group is officially dead. It has been for a while now, and by that i mean several years.. and perhaps more to come, that's why i'm not putting any specific numbers. There's a chance I might log in to simply jog my memories on the more simpler days as a child, (saying this due to the fact i'm practically an adult by now and this was created nearly 6, perhaps 7 years ago..) so i guess you could continue posting if you want. After all, this is a generalized group for all to enjoy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *What the Group is about* This group is (was) meant to help members from this community to upload and share their original music piece. They could receive whatever help needed to improve and succeed or simply enjoy and appreciate everyone else's creations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Rules* § *No Spamming* § *Be Organized* § *Respect Others* § *Be careful with your own Promotions* It shouldn't be that hard to follow. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Featured tracks* will be changed whenever I remember to change them.
Ugh. I'm failing school you guys. I cant keep up with this and every thing else. This account might be going idle. How do you feel about that?
Elements of Music
*In partnership with angel the hedgehog* Come one come all, music makers of any kind can join. From the "Nature" type to the "City" type. The main goal of this group is to have fun and be yourself, the more originality the better!
#1 Track makers all day ^_^
I created this group for anyone who simply loves to make music no matter what genre it may be, your welcome to make any type of track you want. To make this a little more interesting we will have contests at random times so if your interested join and if not then I hope you find a group that siuts you. 2 BASIC RULES: 1. No cussing 2. Be nice *ANNOUNCEMENTS* 4/18/13 d^_^b .....These are also some people you should check out because thier amazing :) 1. Fugie- 2. Jix- 3. Keoni- 4. dusmusicuk- 5. Artwork2550- 6. Dj Brisk- 7. Calum Hood 8. Swagster 9. Manny 10.dubstepaddict 11. Black crane studios 12. D.j. FX 13. KRacKED EKHo 14. The new Kid 15. BASSDROP
timmysplit12 years ago
love it just needs to be louder
Omar 12 years ago
StompBox .. Thaanks :) .. yeaah .. you're right :) i will fix it soon
Omar 12 years ago
DJ Brisk ! thx .. i will post it soon on soundcloud ! :) then i'll make it free to download ! and i will post the link here :)
xDead_Wukongx12 years ago
Awsome Track. BTW please make it downloadable plz?
Break The Record12 years ago
It's a good song, you just need to make it louder.