friends in space 2

theway Small Avatar theway  
Over 12 years ago
Space contest Track "Friends in Space"


theway Avatar
theway12 years ago
Thanks for the responses!
Whyyy_ Avatar
Whyyy_12 years ago
i agree with jix i will give u "6/10" thank for your time.
Jix Avatar
Jix12 years ago
Well as long as the job gets done lol.
Shockade Avatar
Shockade12 years ago
Oh, we are judging like that? Whoops.
Shockade Avatar
Shockade12 years ago
Hi, I'm a judge from the Outer Space Contest. Rhythm: 5/10 It was a good rhythm, It stayed completely the same which is slightly boring. Effort: 6/10, sample sounds were the only sounds used, I'd give you a 3/10 but the R2D2 FX was probably uploaded showing effort. Theme: 10/10 Congratulations! You are the first person I have ever given a 10/10 to. The beat completely matched the Contest's directions and this song is a "Trance" which is a preferred genre for the contest. Originality: 5/10, Only sample sounds were used and without FX or anything added. Overall Score: 26/40 Legit Song Bro. :)
Jix Avatar
Jix12 years ago
Well this track certainly has originality, and for effort it seems you tried hard enough. However the rhythm honestly was a bit bland and dull but nevertheless it's a good track to me. "6/10"