Ohh sorry. This account in and of itself is a collab account between aephyr and myself (shabuki) aephyr worked on the original with the others at a point in time when i either had no computer access or was too busy to work on music. I just recently got a computer in the mail and an invite to this group so i downloaded the sng without even reading the title of the track and now i look like an idiot. Ill be sure to add (shabuki flip) to the title
Acaer3 years ago
Ohh shiiii thnx bro
Moon3 years ago
3rd place!
Acaer4 years ago
Ohh sorry. This account in and of itself is a collab account between aephyr and myself (shabuki) aephyr worked on the original with the others at a point in time when i either had no computer access or was too busy to work on music. I just recently got a computer in the mail and an invite to this group so i downloaded the sng without even reading the title of the track and now i look like an idiot. Ill be sure to add (shabuki flip) to the title
Vandic4 years ago
Why did you make a remix you were in collab!!!
XWolf EDM 4 years ago