Good work though. The steady beat you began with improved it quite a bit. And the melody created its own problems before you even got this task. I saw this online from 2014 and I think his only explanation was to load in the .sng file If I'm reading his K12pages right, it was an exercise he had other music teachers doing at ASU for his PHD thesis, so he probably didn't expect me to use it as a quiz in middle school. Anyhew, that's a longwinded way to say good work.
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marcosongs8 years ago
Good work though. The steady beat you began with improved it quite a bit. And the melody created its own problems before you even got this task. I saw this online from 2014 and I think his only explanation was to load in the .sng file If I'm reading his K12pages right, it was an exercise he had other music teachers doing at ASU for his PHD thesis, so he probably didn't expect me to use it as a quiz in middle school. Anyhew, that's a longwinded way to say good work.