Turn Up The Fire (Hybrid x Catching Lightning Remix)

Lead Producer: Hybrid
Co-Producer: Catching Lighting
Hope you enjoy the remix! With the acoustic provided in the stems, we decided to bring them out a bit more and give you a touch of Latin vibes with modern day EDM for power.
hybrid-music6 years ago
@xyziimusic thanks! Much love
xyziimusic6 years ago
Love the vibe of this remix man! can't wait to hear more of you're stuff!
hybrid-music6 years ago
@Preston Luck, thanks! Shout out to Catching Lighting for the guitar riff! Loved working with him on recording that.
Preston Luck6 years ago
Dope guitar!
hybrid-music6 years ago
Yea man! I appreciate it! Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/hybrid-music-470273274 Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridmusicproductions
NOLLIJ6 years ago
u have a soundcloud? i would love to check out some more of your stuff