Journey To The End

The smallest gestures can make a big difference, and if you see someone that is silent, be sure to try to show them some kindness. I don't want to see anyone reach their journey's end too early.
Hyphen3 years ago
Nostalgia trip time! This is some of the best music on the entire platform, no matter if it's FL or not.
Cecil G.4 years ago
Sky5 years ago
its too much perfection for soundation to have
Sky5 years ago
this is not soundation
XWolf EDM 7 years ago
yay i played the thousandth play
Precious7 years ago
hi i think you are pretty hot i wondered if you will go out with me
wsmhh71977 years ago
This is Gay Af
Voxel - (info in bio)7 years ago
@Shards.msi turn down ur volume then
Shards7 years ago
Dis song is good but i think its too loud xD
ItsRED7 years ago
Sonaris is one of those guys who barely uses Soundation but pushes it to the limit.