"dead domain" groups



So basically me and DJ MYKE way back on March 11, 2012 wanted to make an elite unstoppable group of raw talent no other group could compare to on soundation. A group that even if you aren't necessarily a member of, you can respect because of the hard work, big success, big names, and big talent, this group holds. I wanted this to be the group people would instantly go to when wanting new hot soundation music to listen to and download. BE ON THE LOOKOUT LIST! Is a NEW list i'm starting to help out people who show Extreme Potential but don't have a lot of recognition yet, get their name out there! I also am going to post wips i think deserve some hype too! Feel free to pm message me if you know a track or someone who should be on the lookout list! BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR: ________________________________________________ We right now have what I believe to be the strongest team on soundation but THIS IS A GROUP IS STILL LOOKING FOR MORE MEMBERS! :) Requirements: This group is only for the people that are so skilled that they can create INSANE songs using their own note clips and ideas! The featured tracks are a good example of how high of a level of EXTREME talent you need in music to be a member of the most elite group on the entire website! One hit wonders won't cut it here! If you believe you deserve to get looked at, comment and i'll check out your work. Keep up with your favorite artists information: BASS4ROG's facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/BASS4ROG Ma-Lacky's facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ma-Lacky/417948668257309?fref=ts Kracked Ekho's fan page https://www.facebook.com/KRackEd.EkHo?fref=ts Heywatchadoing?s soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/musicrex-1 BackBonez's soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/backbonezdubstep Duskmusicuk's soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/duskmusicuk So Everyone have fun, Post often, comment often and keep this group going, and lastly Enjoy the "ABSOLUTE best artists on here" TURN THIS GROUP UP!

Soundation Ask.fm

Soundation Ask.fm

*WELCOME TO SOUNDATION ASK.FM!* What are we doing here? Basically, ask.fm is a site where you ask questions, they can be anonymous or public. They can be offensive, so its not for the easily offended. Its really easy to make a user so do it! ______________________________________________________________________________________ *PEOPLE:* Tom Bellinger - https://ask.fm/TomBellingerSucks Sam Pew - https://ask.fm/Sam_Pugh Julian - https://ask.fm/jayjaywalk Ozcii - https://ask.fm/ozciimusic Cyclizzle - https://ask.fm/cyclosa Crescendo - https://ask.fm/CrescendoEDM Parallax - https://ask.fm/ParallaxEDM Cyberbit - https://ask.fm/cyberbit Backslash - https://ask.fm/backslashofficial The Dutchman - https://ask.fm/TehDutchman TTDF - https://ask.fm/TTDFmusic ______________________________________________________________________________________ Let me know if you have made a user and ill put you up here. And also... *DONT FUCKING ADVERTISE UR TRACKS HERE*

Visual Network Page

Visual Network Page

GROUP OPEN FOR ANYONE TO JOIN EDIT: Due to real life, I will no longer continue Visual Network https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=550945251744013&id=339234646248409 What is The Visual Network? The Visual Network is a Youtube music promoting channel that I started because I want to give you guys exposure. How can I get a song on it? If you would like a song on the channel, post the song in this group and if I like it, I will PM you and put it on the channel. You can post as much songs as you like. I will only upload a maximum of 3 songs per week. Channel? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwaJtt7sJCu7P1VQ5AEOS7g GROUP RULES 1. Advertising is allowed. 2. No putting other people down. 3. Have fun. Colours House - Light Red/Orange Red Electro - Yellow Dubstep - Dark Blue Drum & Bass/Drumstep - Cyan Trap - Charcoal Glitch Hop - Purple EDM/Other - White Chill - Light Pink Breaks - Brown Future - Pineapple Orange Trance - Dark Red Social Media Facebook Soundcloud



Share your #Dubstep tracks for a chance to get featured!Looking for some filthy grinding drops? Look no further. It's all things Dubstep in this group. Once the music world's enfant terrible, the genre has been pushed to uncharted territories in recent years, giving us anything from Brostep, Deathstep, Chillstep, Deep Dubstep to Dirty Dubstep. You know the drill. Share you deepest wobbles here, keep up with Dubstep's expanding universe and who knows, a new subgenre might pop up right from this spot. Every week, one track that stands out the most among all "Share Your Sounds" groups will get featured on Soundation's tracks page.Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!Terms: Your tracks have to be made using Soundation. Please follow our Community Guidelines. Failure to do so will result in a ban.

Coastline Remix Contest

Coastline Remix Contest

Thanks to all participants of this Coastline Remix Competition! Your support and efforts are very much appreciated! Congratulations to the winners! 🥉 =3rd Place: Aephyr & HEX's remix - I could not choose an absolute 3rd place unfortunately, but I like how both were tailored to a more trap style whilst maintaining the tropical vibes we all love, so well done gentlemen. 🥈 2nd Place: Moist's Remix - I like how Moist touched on the more chill aspect of the original and built it into his very own lo-fi spice! I also particularly placed this remix at 2nd because of the art cover - a truly magnificent masterpiece! :) 🥇 1st Place: Nate's Remix? 🤔🤔 Now now everyone, no need to act so surprised. Nate's remix is unarguably the best remix (and might I add), one of my favourite dubstep tracks across the entire community! His remix basically sums up S.A.U.C.E and more! My favourite element of this song was the sound design and the chord progression! But to be fairly honest, I cannot fault it in anyway, so well done Nate :) Special Mention: Sonaris' Remix Although this song was not intended for the comp, I still think it deserves the credit, and would've been a decent competitor in the running. Winners should expect their prizes to come through in this coming week, but once again, thank you to everyone for your support and your efforts!

CYCLOSA Presents: Electro House (Read Desc)

CYCLOSA Presents: Electro House (Read Desc)

CONTEST CLOSED : Top Ten Below 1. Calum Hood - Rex - 285 / 300 2. Ejektor - Burnout - 280 / 300 3. Cyberbit - An Hour - 277 / 300 4. Ozcii - nova - 275 / 300 5. Cosmic Candy - Transporter - 272 /300 6. UTOPIA - Countdown - 269 / 300 7. J.A.C.O.B - AFTER HOURS - 256 / 300 8. Crescendo - Final Frontier - 255 / 300 9. T.T.D.F - Smile - 241 / 300 10. Xephyr - Talisman - 239 / 300 PRIZES (Payments will be postponed for about a month) 4th & 5th - Spot in a Dope ass Music Mix on CYCLOSA's Profile 3rd & 2nd - One item from Soundation Sound Shop, Collab w/ CYCLOSA, & Stated Above 1st - One year Intro Account, Collab w/ CYCLOSA, & Stated Above Huge shout-out to everyone who entered this year, this was one of the most successful Soundation contests ever! Thank you guys! A WORD FROM FORESIGHT! "My personal favorite track was “Nova,” by Ozcii. I absolutely loved the garage influence in the drop, and the sudden changeups between grimy basses never gets old. The key change in the second drop is just unbelievable. Congrats to Cal, Ejektor, and Cyberbit for placing the top 3! I loved listening to every one of these tracks, thank you all so much for entering" A WORD FROM GRAWL!X "Personally, my favorite track out of all of the incredible entries was 'An Hour' by cyberbit. One of, if not the, most complex and incredible track ever made on soundation. If any entry deserves a feature, it's that one. Thanks so much for entering!" A WORD FROM CYCLOSA "My favorite track of the contest was AFTER HOURS by J.A.C.O.B. Ive always been a fan of his music and this track perfectly describes what hes got. Congrats to Calum Hood, Ejektor & Mah Boi, Cyberbit for placing top 3! HUGE thank you to everyone for the amazing turn out this year, you guys forced me to have to announce the top ten, and i still haven't mentioned all the bomb ass tracks entered this year!" Huge shout-out to everyone who entered this year, this was one of the most successful Soundation contests ever! Thank you guys!

Complete the Track Contest: Progressive House

Complete the Track Contest: Progressive House

Winner announcements! Wow! 87 firetastic submissions. Let's get straight to it PETE, what's the verdict? Well I’ll be damned if there’s been a better arsenal of submissions in a single contest. You guys made my job of judging incredibly difficult, the level was insane! Honorable mentions Now, before we look at who’s taken the podium, let’s give a hand to some honorable mentions: Hyphen sorry to break the streak bro, this judging thing ain’t easy and it’s not thanks to you lol. Your production was exceptional but the execution wasn’t there for me. Keep stirring up the great tunes man:) Missiony damn, what a good remix. You had a great vibe going and the sound design was mint, but the production and execution were missing some zest. Okie dokie then. Podium time! The Podium First place - 4xharley Congratulations to: A year of Creator Europa Sample pack of choice from the shop Featured track   It’s an honor to say that in first place we have: 4xharley. When somebody comes along and submits a song like this, I feel guilty that all you get as reward is a 1st place title. Then I remembered that you also get epic prizes. This song was first place in my heart before I even heard any other submissions, and it stayed that way up until now. Production? Astounding. Execution? Who needs to make a pre-drop fill anyway? Vibe? It’s a heckin' vibe! Thanks for this masterpiece and congratulations on getting your first feature:)   Second place - Aikue Congratulations to: A year of Starter Sample pack of choice from the shop   GAAAAHHH TRIIIIPLEEEEETS!!!!! Bro, what a banger. What. A. Banger! This has to be the best of the legendary buzz songs yet, with the brilliant execution and exceptional production. The sound design was pretty sick, but those high ends hurt at parts. Overall, amazing job bro! Alrighty then. I think we all saw this coming.   Third place - Hxppy Congratulations to: Sample pack of choice from the shop   In third place, can we give a fat shout to Hxppy - your description says it all. You knew it would impress me, and you were too right. Excellent execution and a banger vibe made it an obvious podium contender. The production quality could have been slightly cleaner, but this issue is dwarfed by the song’s positives.     Good job folks, made me and the Soundation crew proud. This is ya boy PETE peacin' out!

Space Journey Remix Challenge

Space Journey Remix Challenge

Ok, the final decision has been made! Check out chordsboy's submission Also check out Chordsboy's submission, he wasn't eligible to since he made the original project with me but it's a good remix. iiihttps://cosmoa.net/view?u=M_un-N0XO-iii (get rid of the is lol)1) Baked Butter Croissant- Could maybe use some touch ups but this is great! 2) 𝕄𝕌𝕊𝕀ℂ 𝓑𝓨𝓣𝓔 ♪- This is pretty good for what it is but the instrument choice especially is kind of eh in some spots and I don't like that you looped the same chord progression for the entire song 3) bubble enthusiast- You made two attempts, the one I am featuring is slightly better but like I would have worked on it a little more if it were me, not that it ended up mattering in this case lol.

Music Theory

Music Theory

HERE IS A .SNG FILE WITH A SHORT CHILLOUT IDEA IN IT https://www.mediafire.com/download/dbvjymvbqt3xr7u/Chilled_song_for_you_guys_to_get_ideas_from.sng HERE IS A .SNG FOR A DNB DRUM BEAT https://www.mediafire.com/download/6d61bs9aclzkbn9/DnB_beat.sng It has come to my attention that many people on soundation don't have a basic understanding of music theory and subsequently some of them find it hard to make there own loops, stay in a key and make nice sounding melodies. I intend to change that by helping those people get to grips with the basics, I will also be giving a few tips targeted at those who already have a good understanding and have to help really improve there musical depth, such as some really neat key changes (Key changes are barely used on soundation), chromaticism, blues notes, extended chords, countermelodies and many more, NEW!!!!: KRackEd EkHo had the idea of having a communal account so people can see the ideas of music theory for themselves as well as getting useful ideas. the user name is 'DusksMusicTheoryProgram@gmail.com' and the password is 'duskmusicuk' feel free to add new projects and test your ideas for others to see, I'll be putting a few things up for others to use and get ideas from. the only things you cannot do is delete projects, change the password or do anything on the community with this account, this account is purely for use in the studio. if anyone does otherwise the account will be shut down, so please obey by the rules. The Basics: there are 12 notes on the key board A, A-sharp/B-flat, B, C, C-sharp/D-flat, D, D-sharp/E-flat, E, F, F-sharp/G-flat, G, G-sharp/A-flat, check the link to see how these relate to the piano roll https://www.ehowtoplaypiano.com/piano-lessons/piano-notes-for-songs/ ...but you only use 7 at a time because there are only seven in each key, e.g. C,D,E,F,G,A,B,(C) an octave is C1 to C2 as C2 is the 8th note from C1 (as there are seven in the scale) The gap between to note directly adjacent to each other (e.g. B and C or D and D-sharp) is called a semitone, 2 semitones are called a tone (e.g. the gap between C and D is a tone, check the piano roll or link to see for yourself) Major Keys: the pattern of these tones and semitones for a major scale is T,T,S,T,T,T,S (e.g. C,D,E,F,G,A,B,(C) for C major or F,G,A,B-flat,C,D,E, for F major you simply pick a major key and to work out the scale for that key you use the pattern T,T,S,T,T,T,S to find all the notes. Minor Keys: For a natural minor Key the pattern is T,S,T,T,S,T,T but for a harmonic minor the pattern is T,S,T,T,S,T+S,S (mess around and see which you prefer), so an A (natural) minor scale would be A,B,C,D,E,F,G,(A) an A (harmonic) minor would be A,B,C,D,E,F,G-sharp,(A). check this site for more https://www.loopblog.net/tutorials/music-theory-tutorials/understanding-basic-scales-more-loop-fun/ or https://www.music-tutors-uk.com/Theory/scales.html Basic chords: the most common chord is a triad, it has 3 notes and the have intervals of thirds (in others words they have one note in between them (from the scale of the key), e.g. in C major the notes of the scale are C,D,E,F,G,A,B so a third would be C to E or D to F) in this clip, the chord C major is played first, the first note is C, the next note is E as it is a third away (one note in between), then a G is the next as it is a third away from E this gives you C,E,G and this is how you make triads. check this clip and my comments at the beginning for a proper lesson on chords https://soundation.com/user/duskmusicuk/track/the-basics-of-chords also check these clips for more on scales and chord sequences (more to come) https://soundation.com/user/duskmusicuk/track/simple-chord-sequence-in-c-major-sequence-i-v-vi-iv-1-5-6-4 https://soundation.com/user/duskmusicuk/track/harmonic-minor-scales-a-minor-to-d-minor-pattern-t-s-t-t-t-s-s https://soundation.com/user/duskmusicuk/track/major-scales-c-major-to-f-major-pattern-t-t-s-t-t-t-s

Summer Dance Contest

Summer Dance Contest

The Final 3 have been picked. But before I announce the winners I'd like to thank every single person that entered this year, as without you guys the contest wouldn't be possible. 1 - Summer Paradise by Phoenix - I love the tropical feel to your track, not something many users here can pull off nicely. Well done on first place, please contact me for your packs. 2 - Lavish by Ozcii - It's so interesting how you can incorporate your typical chill sounds into a banging house track. Super nice! Please contact me for your pack. 3 - Mind Games by Xplour - The melodies in Mind Games are so catchy, I had them in my head all day the first time I heard it. Plus the beat really gives off a summer-feeling vibe, big ups. Also congrats to NKM and Sam Pugh for reaching the final 5, see you guys next year. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome, everybody, to the *third* Summer Dance contest, the only contest on Soundation to find the best artist of the so called subgenre 'Summer Dance'. To keep it simple, I'm going to allow the same 4 genres as last year, plus two: Summer Dance, Deep House, Progressive House, Future House, Indie/Melodic House and Tropical House. If you are confused by these genres here are some examples: Summer Dance ~ Alex Adair - Make Me Feel Better (Don Diablo & CID Remix) Deep House ~ Azealia Banks - Chasing Time (LiTek Remix) Progressive House ~ Martin Garrix - Forbidden Voices Future House ~ Spraynpray - Police Indie/Melodic House ~ Bolier & Natalie Peris - Forever And A Day (LVNDSCAPE Remix) Tropical House ~ Coldplay - Midnight (Kygo Remix) *Why Summer Dance?* Now that spring has arrived, the weather is starting to get better and soon when summer arrives the weather will be brilliant. So why not prepare for summer with the ultimate Summer Dance track? *Info:* You have until 29th May to create your best Summer Dance track. I will pick my five favourite tracks. I will then give you guys three weeks (19th June) to vote for your favourite track. Then there will only be three remaining tracks (until next year), first, second and third place. *Rules:* 1. Criticism is allowed, but no putting anybody down, no matter what! 2. Swearing is not banned, but please don't overdo it. 3. If you want to post a WIP, please delete it once you have posted the full track. 4. Please only post ONE track. If you decide to post more than one track none of them will be judged. 5. Creating your own MIDI notes is recommended. You can use samples, but leaving them unedited gives you less of a chance to win. You can use any studio. 6. Tracks can be any length, but the recommended length is between 2 minutes and 5 minutes. 7. Tracks have to be posted via Soundation, 'click the link' tracks won't be able to win, no matter how good they are. *Prizes:* *1st Place* - 3 soundpacks* of your choice, collab if wanted, shoutout on social media and bragging rights. *2nd Place* - 1 soundpack* of your choice, collab if wanted, shoutout on social media and bragging rights. *3rd Place* - Collab if wanted, shoutout on social media and bragging rights. *Maximum £5 per soundpack (e.g. the £4.50 soundpacks) - If a collab track gets 1st or 2nd one soundpack per person. Most importantly, have a blast :)

'The SNG Wars'  [The Last War]

'The SNG Wars' [The Last War]

THIS IS THE LAST SNG WAR SO TRY YOUR HARDEST! JUDGING - I will rate each song out of ten. (2 for creativity) (2 for originality) (2 for how much I like it) (and 2 for the track with most amount of votes) VOTING - No Self Voting - So After an 20 day period where you are able to post a track, voting will start (you can still post your track after the 20 days, but the earlier you post the better) IF YOU WIN! - I will Shout you out on my SC page -I will either collab with you, or give you feedback on a new track -Your track will be featured in this group - You could win a RADON RELEASE!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENT CONTEST https://www.dropbox.com/s/l2wwciv7d17v0lb/Prog%20house%20presets%20%281%29.sng?dl=0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Rules For This Contest Only - Make sure the synth is in the song - You Can't Use loops. (i may check if i am unsure) -I used a premade midi clip as the example do NOT use the midi, delete it and start fresh

The Music Geek Collective

The Music Geek Collective

BIG NEWS! :) After a few years the time has finally come where the community along with it's users have evolved into the next big step in HISTORY! Ladies and gentleman I present to you the very first official record label to come out! The Music Geek Collective (WE ARE NOT IN ANY WAY AFFILIATED WITH SOUNDATION OR POWERFX) YES A REAL RECORD LABEL! A legally copyrighted label where all artists have official contracts and get paid for their hard work! A label that gives all the artists a platform where they can finally live their dream of building a fanbase and getting their music distributed to a worldwide audience!! The artists on this label so far include... Xephyr Cyclosa Tom Bellinger Kracked Ekho Sam Pugh Foresight And of course BASS4ROG the founder himself. But that isn't all!... WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR MORE PEOPLE! :) We are looking for more talented artists and interns that are interested in working for the label! If you are someone that is heavily skilled in graphic design, social media marketing, or are interested in becoming a signed artist PM BASS4ROG, post a track, and join the movement! :D But as you can imagine. With any big vision there also comes a lot of start up costs. There's the cost of lawyers, copyrighting, licensing, business contracts, distribution, music videos, graphic design etc.. But I KNOW... that we as a community have the power to succeed if we come together! :) Every little donation goes a long way in a community filled with so many users! So whoever would like to be so generous and donate to our startup costs... here's a link... Donate Here! :)... https://www.paypal.me/BASS4ROG Support Us On Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Music-Geek-Collective-387640811433770 Twitter: https://twitter.com/themusicgeekc Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/themusicgeekcollective Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGnn1Inlf1yMhk7W6hpmZ5A/videos



Welcome to SineSaw I'm not the best at sound design and I know a lot of people who aren't either. That's why I made this group, for all the users struggling with sounds. This group is also for more advanced users to post their own sounds for others to use. Just open the links and find a sound you like. How to submit: Simply P.M me a link to a document with all the details on how to create the sound or a .sng file, and if I think it's good enough ill provide it in a google drive link in this desc. Make sure your document is correct and is easy to understand. You can also post easy sound designs in the comments. You can post tracks here if they use a new interesting sound design. Any irrelevant tracks will be removed. Start designing! New Sounds: Voxel: Sound Collection ChordsBoy: VA Tutorial 1 Unique Alias: All designs Shards: Ali-A Bass,High Chords,Trillan Chords Keylime Pie: Whistle Wub, StarSplitter: "Mutants" design walkthrough,