People who put effort and meaning in their songs are welcome to join. Caliber doesn't really matter.
everyone can join and ppl with good music especially. 1 rule.......... no cussing.......... otherwise ur all welcome. The Businessman With The Bandana is the second in charge of the group and most favored by me =) he is a perfect example for those of u who dont no how to make good songs. And by the way everyone i love dubstep electro and ect. like the songs that i made a mix of violin orchestra with rock techno we welcome all that join our group and this group is manly about getting views for ur songs everyone so dont be afraid to post up all the songs u have no1 is here to criticize you.
ArtWork12 years ago
Nice!! :D
CRYPTOFY12 years ago
thx guys i learned it all from you guys
Ma-Lacky12 years ago
Dude! I really like you used all custom notes! I see potential brah! Honestly this is better than I expected. I expected pre-made loops. Well done :)
ArtWork12 years ago
I like it! Agree with Fugie, whole lot of potential. :)
CRYPTOFY12 years ago
thank you fugie it means alot to me!
Kracked Ekho / illRipper12 years ago
this is your first song dang lots of potential here, this reminds me alot of when i first started for some reason