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Ŧreadr Avatar
about 11 years ago

make song! d- _ -b !!!!!

duskmine Avatar
over 11 years ago

Nice! Sounds like a short WIP. >.<

Chibi Beast Avatar
Chibi Beast
over 11 years ago

i agree with flystarr, do something with even if its just elongate it

Audial Avatar
over 11 years ago

thanks, maybe I will do something with it.

Flystarr Avatar
over 11 years ago

This could be more than just a show of the chord sequence...i like it, make it a actually song! :)

Audial Avatar
over 11 years ago

wow i've inspired someone, thanks nemox, your compliments are very nice

Nemox Avatar
over 11 years ago

Actually I got an Acoustic Piano in my house, when I was younger I got some piano lessons, but stuff hapened and I left the piano, now I am going back to it and gonna learn about these notes and stuff, thanks DUSK :)

Audial Avatar
over 11 years ago

the 3rd chord is minor

Audial Avatar
over 11 years ago

'I' represents the first chord in a key, so in F major the 1st chord would be an F major chord, the fifth chord (V) would be a C major chord. go ahead and try it, pick a key for instance, G major and play a g major chord (G,B,D), then pick the Fifth note in the scale, so D (because the g major scale goes G,A,B,C,D,E,F-sharp, check this against the tone/semitone pattern shown here http://soundation.com/user/duskmusicuk/track/major-scales-c-major-to-f-major-pattern-t-t-s-t-t-t-s ) and play the chord D major, (this chord sequence is only for major keys and the 1st, 2nd and 4th chords are major)
