Judging: Creativity: 18/20 so creative! orginality 27/30 skill 38.5/50. You need to tone down those sounds dude. everything soo distorted especially the drums. The drums are supposed to be the beat not the song :P Use a compressor on the master channel to level out your sounds :D total 83.5/100
Holy crap, the build up was amazing. The first dub is awesome too, very catchy and hard. The side-chained effect really adds the melodic tick to the song that all dubstep needs. Holy crap love the ending too, the loud wubs are crazy and dirty! Very rythmic in the end and crazy like I said! This is possibly my favorite dubstep yet, next to heywatchadoings?'s hit that wobble!
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ArtWork12 years ago
Thanks KGW, gohanbc2, Thanks bro!!
gohanbc212 years ago
Your freaking amazing bro like on some real ISH i would buy one of your beats fam or no fam I got to give credit for what credit is do
Chibi Beast12 years ago
creapy....i like it
ArtWork12 years ago
THANKS Y'ALL!!! Could not have done it without your advice :)
Big Roshi12 years ago
Oh and the old score is as stands 88/100!
Ma-Lacky12 years ago
Judging: Creativity: 18/20 so creative! orginality 27/30 skill 38.5/50. You need to tone down those sounds dude. everything soo distorted especially the drums. The drums are supposed to be the beat not the song :P Use a compressor on the master channel to level out your sounds :D total 83.5/100
Big Roshi12 years ago
Holy crap, the build up was amazing. The first dub is awesome too, very catchy and hard. The side-chained effect really adds the melodic tick to the song that all dubstep needs. Holy crap love the ending too, the loud wubs are crazy and dirty! Very rythmic in the end and crazy like I said! This is possibly my favorite dubstep yet, next to heywatchadoings?'s hit that wobble!