Farewell =D

ArtWork Small Avatar ArtWork  
Over 9 years ago
It's been fun guys! I loved being on this website and the things I've learned from everyone about music and creativity will always stick with me. Much love, much peace, and much art. <3 here is the sng. https://dropbox.com/s/me6vz85akos4wab/Farewell%20%3DD.sng Click -> http://tab.gladly.io/?r=11069611 to make the world a better place.


yaukn Avatar
yaukn3 years ago
sad looking at these
Xephyr Avatar
Xephyr10 years ago
wow OPC thanks XD nah
Sean Foxx Avatar
Sean Foxx10 years ago
We'll miss you man.
ER_0R (And-Die) Avatar
ER_0R (And-Die)10 years ago
Nice farewell gift btw :)
ER_0R (And-Die) Avatar
ER_0R (And-Die)10 years ago
I will miss you and hope we get to meet in real life maybe. (Man, this is a much better farewell than when KE said he was gonna leave..)
MONOXIDE10 years ago
oh my gosh we're gonna miss you!!!!! D':
Xephyr Avatar
Xephyr10 years ago
Good luck in life, man. Sad to see you leave, but everyone must leave eventually. See you in another life bro.
Noah Avatar
Noah10 years ago
We'll try to get this song booming! Goodbye, even though I knew you for so little time I will miss you and your work! EVERYONE RECOMMEND THIS!!!
DUTCH Avatar
DUTCH10 years ago
D: Goodbye... Thanks for all the support you have ever given me! :) Goodbye...
Foresight Avatar
Foresight10 years ago
Artwork - You were my earliest inspiration to create electronic music. You were so kind and helpful when I first joined and created my first few tracks, and I never really thanked you for that. Therefore, thank you. You were a huge inspiration to me over these past two years and will be missed in this community. Thank you for everything you've done! <3