I like what u did bro! ONLY THING is i wish you would have used the actual words "B3attoad sucks" a lot more clearly and A LOT more often :( Fix that and the track is perfect. And also if you don't mind could you put in the title BASS4ROG-B3attoad Sucks (_ed remix) so that way ppl know who your remixing from and i get credit
false blonde12 years ago
BASS4ROG, the only reason i did not do that is because my mom doesn't like it when I use that word.
BASS4ROG12 years ago
I like what u did bro! ONLY THING is i wish you would have used the actual words "B3attoad sucks" a lot more clearly and A LOT more often :( Fix that and the track is perfect. And also if you don't mind could you put in the title BASS4ROG-B3attoad Sucks (_ed remix) so that way ppl know who your remixing from and i get credit
false blonde12 years ago
abt 5 hrs
timmysplit12 years ago
love it man how long did u work on it for