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hayn Avatar
about 4 years ago

sjwuwjsjxunejdudrjdiswiseejsjsde Missouri

Xephyr Avatar
about 4 years ago


hayn Avatar
about 4 years ago

are you posting the q&a on may 30th?

hayn Avatar
about 4 years ago

darn my comment got removed

false blonde Avatar
false blonde
about 4 years ago

2- So, to help you kids understand this special and beautiful thing you’re a part of, I’ll be doing a Q&A/podcast with some special guests about what Soundation used to be like when I was growing up. If you have any questions about the website from that period or anything you’d like me to cover, please leave a comment here or shoot me a PM. While you're doing that, enjoy a random unfinished collab from 5 years ago.

false blonde Avatar
false blonde
about 4 years ago

1- I’m coming up on my 8th anniversary on Soundation at the end of the month, and I’ll be doing some fun stuff to celebrate. The first thing on the list is a History of Soundation Q&A! I’ve noticed basically all of my active followers that I don’t know personally (hi Noah!) have joined the website in the last 2-3 years, meaning the Soundation that I know and grew up with is very different from yours.
