The Music Geek Collective
BIG NEWS! :) After a few years the time has finally come where the community along with it's users have evolved into the next big step in HISTORY! Ladies and gentleman I present to you the very first official record label to come out! The Music Geek Collective (WE ARE NOT IN ANY WAY AFFILIATED WITH SOUNDATION OR POWERFX) YES A REAL RECORD LABEL! A legally copyrighted label where all artists have official contracts and get paid for their hard work! A label that gives all the artists a platform where they can finally live their dream of building a fanbase and getting their music distributed to a worldwide audience!! The artists on this label so far include... Xephyr Cyclosa Tom Bellinger Kracked Ekho Sam Pugh Foresight And of course BASS4ROG the founder himself. But that isn't all!... WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR MORE PEOPLE! :) We are looking for more talented artists and interns that are interested in working for the label! If you are someone that is heavily skilled in graphic design, social media marketing, or are interested in becoming a signed artist PM BASS4ROG, post a track, and join the movement! :D But as you can imagine. With any big vision there also comes a lot of start up costs. There's the cost of lawyers, copyrighting, licensing, business contracts, distribution, music videos, graphic design etc.. But I KNOW... that we as a community have the power to succeed if we come together! :) Every little donation goes a long way in a community filled with so many users! So whoever would like to be so generous and donate to our startup costs... here's a link... Donate Here! :)... Support Us On Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Soundcloud: Youtube:
2C9 years ago
for half a second the beginning reminded me of goosebumps
BaconBurger9 years ago
Xephyr9 years ago
Tydal this was ableton
dxtr!9 years ago
Is this gonna be your prosoundsone entry?
kctec9 years ago
Good stuff man..
Fountain9 years ago
Not really my kind of music usually but damn its good!
dxtr!9 years ago
Reminds me of No Tv No Radio
DUTCH9 years ago
ozcii9 years ago