Am i coming back?!?! [Failed Collab]

Maybe... i usually used my school chromebook for soundation, but they have blocked almost everything. :( So i don't have the time to do soundation. I think my break is pretty much done, but i still might not be super active. Spring break is also next week for me, so I won't be producing then. btw this is an old collab between me and nesta. We were going to finish it, but he ended up getting fl studio...
Xylate7 years ago
Sounds like tropical skies by nesta malcolm.
Skyez7 years ago
they've blocked proxy websites too
Skyez7 years ago
i've tried all of those :( they don't work.
.7 years ago
If Soundation got blocked, try using a proxy website, or doing the chrome inspect settings incognito mode trick. You can search up youtube tutorials for the latter.
[this project has concluded]7 years ago
finish? can I finish?
Skyez7 years ago
@Legion lol @roix finish? what are you talking bout
Caffeinayt7 years ago
I’ve heard his like 3 or 4 times lol. Good to know ur coming back
[this project has concluded]7 years ago
finish? just because i have fl doesn't mean i can't use soundation :)
Skyez7 years ago
some of you have probably heard this before...