Dark Labs Inc.
We are Dark Labs Inc. We Make Retro Style Type Music.
up the beat dubstep
this is a contest! i will vote on the best tracks. make sure to vote because second place will be based on the most votes. third place will be based on most likes and first place track will be of my choosing. fourth place will be most downloads. don't forget to post your tracks!!!!!!!! 1. i like originality. different tracks with new beats. 2. no copying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3. make sure to allow others to download your tracks. 4. i will choose a winner once a week so stay tuned. 5. this is the most important rule yet..........HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!! NOTIFICATIONS ok guys, i'm going to vote for the best track in two days, so start posting tracks.i'm also going to add a genre contest next week. thank you for joining and following it means a lot to me.
Epic Hop Challenge!
Welcome, everyone, to the Epic Hop Contest, a fun contest with PRIZES for all Soundation users. If you are confused by ‘epic hop’ it is an evolving all-inclusive genre of music focused on storytelling without traditional song and the hybrid use of genres. Why Epic Hop? 1. Epic Hop is a new genre created specifically and exclusively on Soundation. 2. Epic Hop is a challenging test of your creativity and your ability to bring genres, sounds, and themes together in new ways. 3. Epic Hop is an all-inclusive genre (you can draw from any themes, genres, and experimentation to make the best tracks you can). Info: You have until (January 7, 2015) to create your best Epic Hop track. I will pick my favorite tracks, but feedback from other users will play into the outcome of the contest. The final winner will be chosen by the following: creativity, composition, and general mixing and mastering. 1. Creativity: How different are the genres you used? Is the theme of the track creative and creatively executed? How creatively have you experimented with sounds, themes, and music genres? etc. 2. Composition: How well does your track evolve? How much work have you put into making new or original sounds? etc. 3. Mixing and Mastering: How well is your track mixed? How smooth is your track? How well is your track mastered? etc. Rules: 1. Criticism is allowed, but no putting anybody down! 2. Swearing is not banned, but please don’t overdo it or bully anyone in anyway with them. 3. No WIPs posted to this group please. 4. Please only post ONE FINAL track. 5. Creating your own sounds is EXTREMELY recommended. Please don't just drag and drop sounds for your entry. Does not matter if you use MIDI's or LOOPS here, but please put an effort into changing the original sound patterns in some way. You may use any studio, but preferably Soundation. 6. Tracks can be any length, but the recommended length is between 3 to 5 minutes. 7. Please only submit a NEW track made specifically for this contest. An old track that fits the description likely will not win. 8. Do not upload any copyrighted material that you do not own or do not have permission to use. Prizes: 1st Place – Any music t-shirt from my store (or any product from my store of your choice at equal or lesser value). Plus ONE PRODUCT from the Sound Shop. 2nd Place – 2 products from the Sound Shop. 3rd Place – 1 product from the Sound Shop. *Prizes provided by Cyprasonic (a.k.a) Doc Regals with the option of more added by other people or entities at a later date. Check store for potential prizes: https://www.zazzle.com/collections/music_and_entertainment-119468021255323880 or https://www.zazzle.com/robertoregan* Disclaimer: In the event that a prize cannot be delivered to an artist due to excessive shipping costs or failure to provide needed information, an alternate prize will be provided or that prize will be forfeited to the next eligible contestant at my discretion. Prizes can be cancelled at anytime at my discretion, BUT THIS WILL ONLY HAPPEN if there is an extreme set of circumstances. ***Any information provided by any artist will only be used for shipping of said prize and under no circumstances will be misused. If you're under 18, please get parents permission before providing any information. ****Ladies: You are entitled to pick out a shirt or any product at SLIGHTLY greater value if you are a winner. Most importantly, have a blast and take on the challenge! :)
Monkerud skole 6A
JDonaldson10 years ago
This track is so chilled out I LOVE IT!!! :D
Cyprasonic (a.k.a) Doc Regals10 years ago
Like this alot. Very enjoyable. =)