Level 13: Sense of accomplishment (8-Bit)

Over 10 years ago Electronica
At long last the final installment of "Season 2" levels is here. After finally conquering your inner darkness you feel a sense of accomplishment. You bask in the bliss of the darkness within being lifted. However you still have another leg to your journey


Moonlight Knight Avatar
Moonlight Knight10 years ago
Alright thanks man. Personally my favorite thing about the song is the pic I used for it xD.
Xephyr Avatar
Xephyr11 years ago
What waves did you use?
Xephyr Avatar
Xephyr11 years ago
I love this man...
Mepp Avatar
Mepp11 years ago
One way to make TRUE to the NES 8-bit, just have simple on square, and triangle with decay up to max