instead of using reverse cymbal I suggest using spc funk latin crash, and modify it to be a suspended cymbal, add some reverb and a little delay to it to.
lol, if you want more on beat delays, check out the bpm to delay calculator (remove spaces): h t t p : / / n i c k f e v e r . c o m / m u s i c / d e l a y - c a l c u l a t o r
oh. my bad then
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thats what i did. xD
the piano at the beginning is pretty sweet btw
instead of using reverse cymbal I suggest using spc funk latin crash, and modify it to be a suspended cymbal, add some reverb and a little delay to it to.
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some of them are layered, but some of them are not.
Did you layer both orchestral snares together? Because you should NEVER do that lol. It makes the snares hit sound very weird.
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woah thats a thing? i should totallly start using tat
lol, if you want more on beat delays, check out the bpm to delay calculator (remove spaces): h t t p : / / n i c k f e v e r . c o m / m u s i c / d e l a y - c a l c u l a t o r
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yeh i tried to do a delay effect that didn't work out too well.
orchestral snare delay is kinda fucked, but the chords are brilliant or damn near it