Dimension is an Electronic Music themed Record Label in partnership with promotion groups Electro Central and Masters of Stereo. Contact us at DimensionRecords.Help@gmail.com if you are looking to find a position in the management of Dimension. If you want to sign with Dimension as an artist or submit a track to us, go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdQnqAjpaPISEfohBDQlPo1HoNExpGFo5yXqV6j2OI8f1RLKQ/viewform. Dimension on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/dimension-ec-ms-records Our Artists: -NiteLight https://soundation.com/user/NiteLight217 -Roix https://soundation.com/user/Hailax -SilentWolf https://soundation.com/user/SilentWolf390Music -Chordial https://soundation.com/user/dougj5028275 -ChromeClouds https://soundation.com/user/ChromeCloudsMusic -Reborn https://soundation.com/user/RebornOfficialMusic -SLOCM3Z https://soundation.com/user/SLOCM3Z -Diansiji https://soundation.com/user/Diansiji -ZERØ SILENCE https://soundation.com/user/0silence -Nitrate Embers https://soundation.com/user/NitrateEmbersEDM -CHICKEN FLAV3R (Check this guy out!) https://soundation.com/user/chickenflav3rmusic NOTE TO MEMBERS Do not post songs in the group without first asking me. If you post a track without permission, your track will be deleted from the group. PM me if you want to release a song.
.8 years ago
Wacky chord progression, I love it!
Skyez8 years ago
@Roix, what i meant is to make the drop more defined, with more pop to it
[this project has concluded]8 years ago
@Silentwolf there is one xD
[this project has concluded]8 years ago
right nit8 years ago
wO cool
Skyez8 years ago
maybe add a drop or something
Skyez8 years ago
interesting.... just one thing, it's the same thing repeating twice. tbh i think you should add alittle something to the second part
[this project has concluded]8 years ago
ok i might
AMT8 years ago
You can release this if you like.
[this project has concluded]8 years ago
lol nice :p