@Unicycle The mastering on this isn't the greatest but... i did the best i could.
and yeah sorry about the title thing but Fuyu actually is japanese (meaning winter) and i kinda just wanted to keep the running pattern. Don't worry its only for this ep
The white noise is way too much. But I like this a lot, reminds me of the old roix. And btw you can pitch just about anything, just find out the root pitch in Edison then set the root note to that pitch in the last tab of the sampler envelope.
this wasn't soundation. so you like--can't. and ya some of the noises are off key but they're noise waves so i kinda think its impossible for those to be off key. i guess they just clash with the chords or something and make it sound like its the wrong pitch.
then goddamn that volume slider is having a heart attack rn
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@unicycle i actually do hate that a lot @noah this wasn't soundation and i never overcompress a piano. i didn't even use a compressor on it .-.
otherwise this is fine <3 Also Im really confused on what unique was saying
dont you dare overcompress piano
mark my words
especially that soundation piano
[this project has concluded]
well i need to respond harshly
[this project has concluded]
@Unicycle The mastering on this isn't the greatest but... i did the best i could. and yeah sorry about the title thing but Fuyu actually is japanese (meaning winter) and i kinda just wanted to keep the running pattern. Don't worry its only for this ep
The white noise is way too much. But I like this a lot, reminds me of the old roix. And btw you can pitch just about anything, just find out the root pitch in Edison then set the root note to that pitch in the last tab of the sampler envelope.
[this project has concluded]
this wasn't soundation. so you like--can't. and ya some of the noises are off key but they're noise waves so i kinda think its impossible for those to be off key. i guess they just clash with the chords or something and make it sound like its the wrong pitch.
i would love to remix this. I would have get an intro account, but i could probably get one.
needs some mastering, but I like it. Needs some more bass. I feel like some of the background noises in the drop are off key... and it sounds weird..