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Katze Avatar
about 6 years ago

@uniquestereotype you could fix it if you made a remix...

kodead4 Avatar
about 6 years ago

This is so cool

Caffeinayt Avatar
about 6 years ago

Bruv we already resolved this in hangouts

Caffeinayt Avatar
about 6 years ago

I do what i do bc mixing is like a puzzle. And i eq out the freqs of the sounds that dont need those freqs. I eq out the sub out of the chords bc the chords arent your bassline, the 808 is supposed to fill up that section. I eq out high mid out of my 808 bc the chords and leads are supposed to take up that section. Also if you have too many frequenies overlapping like that it will make it muddy, and make it hard to mix. I dont understand why this keeps bothering you.

Caffeinayt Avatar
about 6 years ago

I dont know how many times i need to clarify this to you, its the same thing you complain about every time. If you dont like it then dont listen, its that simple. Its not even criticism bc ur not telling me waht to do and youre also assuming inaccurately. Im not going to change the way i eq bc eq is done like this on a proffesional level and you dont seem to have a problem with that. I might have a little of it off and i might be over doing it a little, but i make music based on what i think sounds good. Make sense now?

Caffeinayt Avatar
about 6 years ago

No it hasnt. Its been low cut and not even completely. It has a little bit of high bass, and it has some low mid cut but thats it. If you think this is highpassed then im not sure what u think of actually highpassed things

Caffeinayt Avatar
about 6 years ago

The track is called “mastered” but the track “mastered” went through the mastering process in FL if that makes sense

Caffeinayt Avatar
about 6 years ago

Not even. It was made in soundation then mastered (basically just made it louder) in FL

NightMareSND Avatar
about 6 years ago

So this is FL, wow and I’m going to get it soon to :D
