(ALBUM VERSION) Just The Beginning

About 11 years ago Hip Hop
I've spent so much time on this album that I haven't even been able to stay relevant on soundation anymore. I'm not even a top user anymore. I'm SO frustrated right now on how long this album is taking + other things interfering so ima post a few EDtracks

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Kracked Ekho / illRipper Avatar
Kracked Ekho / illRipper11 years ago
And this is just the begining... great song bass4rog
Skeptik Avatar
Skeptik11 years ago
Man, this DOPE!!! love it man, you can tell how much you've improved!
BASS4ROG11 years ago
I appreciate the advice bro. I spent a lot of time on the compression and eqing just to get it to how it sounds now. It's even lower without all the adjustments I made believe it or not. I just found a place where I thought fit the mix to how I liked it.
false blonde Avatar
false blonde11 years ago
BASS4ROG11 years ago
I spent a lot of time on the vocals don't worry but I definitely agree that we need something better for eqing. But I also think it just seems quiter cuz my voice is somewhat deep like Tyler the creator and I find a lot of people saying the same thing in songs like this ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lDqMx4rmFU )when actually it's not that quiet its just the voice is so deep that the lowest frequencies blend a lot with the low parts of the instrumental
Quetzalcoatl Avatar
Quetzalcoatl11 years ago
honestly i think the vocals are mixed fine dude, I disagree with everyone saying they're not.
BASS4ROG11 years ago
Backbonez your taking what i said way too literally lol. I didn't mean exact EXACT vocal mix. I was just talking about how I had the volume of my vocals mixed. Anyone with an ear can hear the difference in reverb and eq etc compared to ghost cuz your right it is a completely different song. But appreciate you liked it :)
BASS4ROG11 years ago
I mixed my vocals the same way I did in my song Ghost and noone had a problem with that songs vocal mix. but then again I think it just seems quieter cuz my somewhat deep voice is clashing with a really deep instrumental
SlaveToWave Avatar
SlaveToWave11 years ago
I kinda agree with Mauz, the vocal and instrumental volumes should be more balanced...but maybe it's the lead instrument that should go slightly down when you rap over it...but apart from this one thing, it's awesome!!
BASS4ROG11 years ago
Appreciate the feedback thanks :)