Music Makerz
So after a lil bit I actually turned into a decently popular rapper Im glad this is still one of the top groups, keep spammin Im sure someone will click it lol Soundcloud: Big Roshi Ill be there 100% of the time I came back here cus I was bored. Love you soundation but unless my messages start getting real business offers/collaborations this won't be a priority. TheDevilstop is a grown man now, he's got bill and such lol. HMU Best of luck with your music careers, mine started here and ended in me being an ignorant rapper. Never know what'll happen. - Roshi (7/12/2018) P.S I owe a lot this website, use these tools cus nobody else will be ya hero
collaboration is king
Bass Brotherz
This Is A Group Where Anyone Can Be Themselves And Have Fun With Music....Post Whatever Tracks U Like...U Might Enjoy Dubstep Or Electronic Or Drum And Bass Or Whatever....And We Can All Become Bass Brotherz....JOIN......
cool dubstep/electronic songs
everyone can join and ppl with good music especially. 1 rule.......... no cussing.......... otherwise ur all welcome. The Businessman With The Bandana is the second in charge of the group and most favored by me =) he is a perfect example for those of u who dont no how to make good songs. And by the way everyone i love dubstep electro and ect. like the songs that i made a mix of violin orchestra with rock techno we welcome all that join our group and this group is manly about getting views for ur songs everyone so dont be afraid to post up all the songs u have no1 is here to criticize you.
dubstep mercenaries
no i do not kill for money, its just part of the name
The DJ Group
The Group For pure sick soundation DJ's
Immortal dj's
anyone can join post up your music so you can get more views and likes.
Hi there; If you love your music and you really want to share it - then this group is the right one for you.This is a contest if someone is not in that group you can still join. Contestants should create and post any track they want. You will recieve points based on the following: Rhythm, Effort and Originality. RULES: The only rule I have is NO SWEARING or CURSING PPL what so ever Other wise have fun and Enjoy posting your tracks :)
Soundation Masters Follow Page
This is where I will post all of the important things that happened in the group this week, I will also post when tracks where made and who they were made by, I will also post about the things going on in my other groups! h2. Group Activity Feed _Posted 6/12/12 @ 11:35:50 AM_ *"shockwave": has joined Soundation Masters!* _Posted 6/12/12 @ 11:39;00 AM_ *"DJ Fox": created "Sorry 4 The Wait[Extended Version]": .* _Posted 6/13/12 @ 10:23:40 AM EST_ *"JoeBobby": created "Degraded Mouth": .* _Posted on 6/14/12 @ 8:58:50 PM EST_ *"Snow Fox": created Permafrost.* _Posted on 6/16/12 @ 10:09:17 AM EST_ *Users "At0m rAcEr": , "JAB98": , "mellybean21": , and "AoD Tunez": have joined Soundation Masters!* _Posted on 6/20/12 @ 10:34:20 AM EST_ *User "JAB98": created "BIT RAGE": . User "shockwave": created "scary monsters\nice sprites remix ft. dj j3acon":* _Posted on 6/25/12 @ 11:25:25 AM EST_ *User "DJ Fox": created "Sorry 4 The Wait Remix[WIP]": and has posted it to most of his groups.* _Posted on 6/26/12 @ 10:27:47 AM EST_ *User "DJ Fox": created "Sorry 4 The Wait Remix[Official?]": and posted it to all of his groups.* _Posted on 6/28/12 @ 11:17:00 AM EST_ *User "DJ Fox": created "The End[WIP]": and posted it to most of his groups.* _Posted on 6/29/12 @ 10:24:13 AM EST_ *Users "Sam Moore": , "Manny": , "DJThunderstorm": , "DrewVog": , "Anton Smith": and "UrbanNiche": joined Soundation Masters!* *User "Manny": posted "When We Freak": , "New Step": , and "Night Owl": .* *User "Sam Moore": posted "open your eyes": .* _Posted on 7/27/12 @ 10:28:48 AM EST_ *User "Willie Valentine": posted "Raise the Bar": , "Unwanted Visitor": , "Smooth Room(Mastered)": , "Memorizing": , and "Unbeatable": .* *User "wyatt17": posted "creeper gone creep": .* *User "The Mango Brigade": posted "Knights and Castles": and "we are happy people": .*
the soundation Dj's
this group is about making music for life!!!!!
soundation master
Team Fox Follow Page
Welcome to the official follow page of DJ Fox and Snow Fox, where you can stay up-to-date on The Foxes. You will find latest tracks made, groups recently joined/created, and many other activities done by Snow Fox and I... h2. Team Fox Activity Feed _Snow Fox and I are working together on some tracks_ _Posted on 7/27/12 @ 10:40:20 AM EST_ *Snow Fox and DJ Fox released "Fox Drop(Ft. DJ Fox) WIP":* h2. Snow Fox Activity Feed _Everything that I know Snow Fox has done/is doing/will do..._ _Posted 6/11/12 @ 9:08:07 PM EST_ *As of June 11th, 2012, Snow Fox is working on a new project, known by codename "live wire."* _Posted 6/14/12 @ 12:35:00 AM EST_ *Snow Fox created "Permafrost": .* h2. DJ Fox Activity Feed _Everything I have done/is doing/will do_ _Posted 6/12/12 @ 11:25:31 AM EST_ *DJ Fox has just released "Sorry 4 The Wait Extended Version": and has added this song to all of his groups.* _Posted on 6/26/12 @ 10:23:32 AM EST_ *DJ Fox just created "Sorry 4 The Wait Remix[WIP]": and he also created "Sorry 4 The Wait Remix[Official?]": and posted these tracks to most of his groups...* _Posted on 6/28/12 @ 11:13:34 AM EST_ *DJ Fox just created "The End[WIP]": and posted it to most of his groups.*
JDonaldson11 years ago
Your track is amazing Way to Go! :D
Ambience12 years ago
of course!!!!
Slimbtw12 years ago
can i use this beat on my mixtape
Ambience12 years ago
hope u guys enjoy more dubstep coming on the way!!!!!!!!!!