the soundation Dj's
this group is about making music for life!!!!!
Hi there; If you love your music and you really want to share it - then this group is the right one for you.This is a contest if someone is not in that group you can still join. Contestants should create and post any track they want. You will recieve points based on the following: Rhythm, Effort and Originality. RULES: The only rule I have is NO SWEARING or CURSING PPL what so ever Other wise have fun and Enjoy posting your tracks :)
everyone can join and ppl with good music especially. 1 rule.......... no cussing.......... otherwise ur all welcome. The Businessman With The Bandana is the second in charge of the group and most favored by me =) he is a perfect example for those of u who dont no how to make good songs. And by the way everyone i love dubstep electro and ect. like the songs that i made a mix of violin orchestra with rock techno we welcome all that join our group and this group is manly about getting views for ur songs everyone so dont be afraid to post up all the songs u have no1 is here to criticize you.
Immortal dj's
anyone can join post up your music so you can get more views and likes.
This is an open group for anyone to join. Remixed songs are the only tracks that can be posted. Thank you. Admin: Vivid Discolouration Please feel free to message me at any time.
The Lost Generation
This group is for the ones lost in the struggle, those looking for an outlet and those who are just plain ill.
This is a group for a wide variety of music! Welcome to all! Feel free to join this group. :) Have a splendid spring! Anyone got some fresh new beats for the new season? Let's go! We made it to over 1500! Thank you so much for all your support! Keep the tracks coming everyone!