I've really been getting into UTAU lately. Voicebank creation for the software is fun, and ungodly easy but tedious. I will be building my first English UTAU in the near future. I'd like to use this group as a way of organizing all of them.
I have yet to build a solid English reclist (it's being written slowly) so I'd estimate the completion of my first UTAU, Max Kelvan, may wind up being done next year. It will be a full English Voicebank and aimed at helping newer English UTAU users get acquainted with the software as well as helping existing UTAU users get something extra to use in their music.
I have decided to build a Japanese voicebank for both Max and Lece so I can finally have something worth sharing as far as UTAU goes. I'll post links to both VBs here when they are done.
UTAU List!
Max Kelvan(Coming soon!) Lece Kelvan (Coming Soon!) Daryl Jonssell (Not too soon!) No track submissions until I have a song to feature from UTAU. Sorry for that :(Other UTAU-related groups
Vocaloid & UTAU FanclubI've really been getting into UTAU lately. Voicebank creation for the software is fun, and ungodly easy but tedious. I will be building my first English UTAU in the near future. I'd like to use this group as a way of organizing all of them.
I have yet to build a solid English reclist (it's being written slowly) so I'd estimate the completion of my first UTAU, Max Kelvan, may wind up being done next year. It will be a full English Voicebank and aimed at helping newer English UTAU users get acquainted with the software as well as helping existing UTAU users get something extra to use in their music.
I have decided to build a Japanese voicebank for both Max and Lece so I can finally have something worth sharing as far as UTAU goes. I'll post links to both VBs here when they are done.
UTAU List!
Max Kelvan(Coming soon!) Lece Kelvan (Coming Soon!) Daryl Jonssell (Not too soon!) No track submissions until I have a song to feature from UTAU. Sorry for that :(Other UTAU-related groups
Vocaloid & UTAU Fanclub
XJM12 years ago
I have an image for Max. Needa sit down and try to do a general concept of him though.
Chibi Beast12 years ago
what i meant by that is a drawn "character" like an animated personage
XJM12 years ago
Max is a boy... He's going to use my younger brother's voice. I'll release details when I get some things out of the way. This English syllable & word sheet isn't going to complete itself. As tedious it is to do, it's going to be well worth it when it is finished.
Chibi Beast12 years ago
Two questions: boy or girl and do you have a character for the voice? If not i volunteer my talents