Dormant Group

Dormant Group
Rules: 1. no track spaming, for it is dumb and annoying 2. Be nice! you can give respective feedback, but nothing mean! 3. Keep the self promotion to a minumum. I will feature a song every week
The Patriot Beast avatarElectric Thunder  avatarblizz avataryaukn avatarTotallyNotKri avatarreptilian avatarγŠ™BrycenγŠ™ avatarh avatarluyt #HackBack avatarJumpin' Joe avatarNotTiko avatarV U L C A N avatarπ•Šπ•¦π•‘π•£π•–π•žπ•– avatarRadiation avatarElectric Thunder  avatarMALHARE avatarTTJ avatarThe Forgotten Error avatarDarklight avatar
Rules: 1. no track spaming, for it is dumb and annoying 2. Be nice! you can give respective feedback, but nothing mean! 3. Keep the self promotion to a minumum. I will feature a song every week
Dormant Group


Electric Thunder  Avatar
Electric Thunder 2 years ago
This group is not dead.
reptilian Avatar
reptilian2 years ago
Goofy dead group
The Patriot Beast Avatar
The Patriot Beast3 years ago Escaping The Trap is a very awesome trap beat! I can't help but imagine someone running from something with it! Could it be a scavenger running from a dragon? Up to you! But it's my best beat yet! Enjoy!
The Patriot Beast Avatar
The Patriot Beast3 years ago
Oh my gosh, I can't believe I JUST found this! How has this been hidden? I FREAKING LOVE THE WINGS OF FIRE SERIES! It's my favorite book series! Give me any questions about it, and I will answer them about Wings Of Fire! I have all the original series, the Legends, and the short stories. Oh, and if anyone wants to do a collab with me, let me know!
reptilian Avatar
reptilian4 years ago
wow group dead
V U L C A N Avatar
V U L C A N4 years ago
why did I just get randomly reported?
V U L C A N Avatar
V U L C A N4 years ago
Electric Thunder  Avatar
Electric Thunder 4 years ago
Wings of Fire is awesome
reptilian Avatar
reptilian4 years ago
same, I'm getting them soon