Unseen Talent

Unseen Talent
This group is for the people who feel they are amazing at what they do, but don't feel recognized. I am not one of those people, because I harness little to no talent, but i want to help those who are. feel free to join! I will feature tracks I feel need more attention than what they are currently receiving. Please don't beg for feature, as it will do nothing for you except lower your chances.
StarSounds   {I'm Back!} avatarHazrdZone avatarlilmixologist avatarH-vardfb avatarlazyboybeatbox avatarA busload of kids avatar
This group is for the people who feel they are amazing at what they do, but don't feel recognized. I am not one of those people, because I harness little to no talent, but i want to help those who are. feel free to join! I will feature tracks I feel need more attention than what they are currently receiving. Please don't beg for feature, as it will do nothing for you except lower your chances.
Unseen Talent


StarSounds   {I'm Back!} Avatar
StarSounds {I'm Back!}10 years ago
H-vardfb Avatar
H-vardfb10 years ago
I havent bought anything yet tho