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Unbalanced Remix competition (Ultra swaggy)  Group Profile Picture
Created June 06, 2017

Unbalanced Remix competition (Ultra swaggy)

Hey you guys liked my track Unbalanced enough to feature it, so now I have to do a contest because that is the right thing to do when you have no inspiration to make another banger that was supposed to not be featured but Riker fricken suggested it and now you’re here.

It is awesome that this track was featured. I am happy you guys agree, (Although if you don’t, please pm me so I can work on my music skills, I’m still learning). With this power of mass attention and 1 follower gained from going featured, I want to hear what you guys want to hear from my track. I want YOUR interpretation of my track.

Tl;Dr Remix my crap for me.


1) Constructive criticism is allowed, if you can’t take it grow thicker skin.

2) Keep your hate speech off this campus. We gotta spread love my dudes

3) Don’t advertise in here/on other user’s tracks. You’d be surprised…

4) Have fun or something of close resemblance to it.


You will be scored on….

1) Originality – Making it your own (Don’t illegally copy this sh*t and sell it, I swear…)

2) Sound design does help, make it pretty for my ears

3) A e s t h e t i c. Without it, your track is meaningless. You can just google your aesthetics on bing, but I want a seizure from all of the consumerism force fed to my eyes with your completed dank as heck tracks.

If you want another means of getting the entire .sng file or small clips of the song in .sng just pm me. Same if you want a .wav or something. Here are the links to download the track through dropbox.

WARNING This is a larger file for some, and might be too big for you to handle without proper training. If you can’t work with a larger sized file with about 30 channels, you might want to get a clip that I have pulled out. Not only are these clips smaller, they also give you more room to breathe if you wanted to remix a certain part of a song or something. End of warning



1st Drop

Finally… Prizes

Well, considering that I am poor, I can’t really offer any money, but I will do some slave labor or something.

Those who didn’t get 3rd 2nd or 1st – Glad you tried, but the competition must have been tough. I can be your bud on skype/hangouts/discord or something.

3rd – I will do a picture or something for you. I will also send you a picture of my backyard because it has grass in it and that is cool.

2nd – I will give you everything third has but I have to refer to you as any pronoun you want me to ;)

1st – Dang son gg. You can have what 3 and 2 have but a recommendation and shoutout on my mixtape. You can also conspire with me in a “collab?” and I will try to help you with any english homework you may have. If you want more bb just talk and I will see what I can do.

REMIXES START 6/6/17 and end 10/8/2017

You got time but I want your dank mixes in soon because my ears must be pleased.


Chordial Avatar
over 6 years ago

lol, i think he unofficially announced it in the qna ;)

DUTCH Avatar
over 6 years ago

Lol who has can win lmao

Chordial Avatar
over 6 years ago

lol who are the judges though?

DUTCH Avatar
over 6 years ago


DUTCH Avatar
over 6 years ago


Chordial Avatar
almost 7 years ago


Diansiji Avatar
almost 7 years ago

Yeah it was lol, getting judges to do their job now haha.

Chordial Avatar
almost 7 years ago

now is it over?

DUTCH Avatar
almost 7 years ago


Chordial Avatar
almost 7 years ago

lol fucking american retard time
