The Music Brains

The Music Brains
The Music Brains: Hello, welcome to the music brains! In this group, feel free to post any music your brain likes. This isn't really a contest, but feel free to vote. New featured tracks every month. Rules: 1. No cursing 2. No Spamming 3. No posting rude comments that may offend someone 4. Have Fun!!!
Icestorm avatarNitrate Embers  avatarDSTROYN (LET'S GO FOR 90 FOLLOWERS!!!) avatarM-possible avatarKB avatarMassive Frog Guy/MFG Music avatarN5VA avatarEnboldened avatarVirtual DJ avatarCyprasonic (a.k.a) Doc Regals avatarMusic Vibration 22.0 avatar
The Music Brains: Hello, welcome to the music brains! In this group, feel free to post any music your brain likes. This isn't really a contest, but feel free to vote. New featured tracks every month. Rules: 1. No cursing 2. No Spamming 3. No posting rude comments that may offend someone 4. Have Fun!!!
The Music Brains


Icestorm Avatar
Icestorm9 years ago
No More songs for 3 weeks! Check out my channel for full explanation!
Icestorm Avatar
Icestorm9 years ago
Thank You all for joining!