The Golden Stars

The Golden Stars
Hi welcome to my group this is for everyone to post music and just have fun! I prefer rock music to listen to, but here, anyone can post anything and I would be happy to hear some your best music!
The Golden Star avatarMusic-Master avatarMiles Findlay avatarDysfunktion avatarGoggles avatarSuper Neons On Vegas Airwaves avatarromotoma avatar
Hi welcome to my group this is for everyone to post music and just have fun! I prefer rock music to listen to, but here, anyone can post anything and I would be happy to hear some your best music!
The Golden Stars


romotoma Avatar
romotoma12 years ago
hey guys listen to my songs on left -----> the songs are called immortal and techno time if u like it subscribe to my track thx
Music-Master Avatar
Music-Master12 years ago