The Chords

The Chords
Hi, I'm Antoni. Most of you know me by the name UnicornMan, though. In this group we share cool music we found or made in the soundation community. Or you could just sit and chat.please post only 10 songs a month. those songs should be your best ones. Oh, and please show off as much as you like.
UnicornMan avatarMarcLarryKing avatarNesta Malcolm avatarGøldenBeats  avatarmjm20898805 avatarChordsBoy avatar
Hi, I'm Antoni. Most of you know me by the name UnicornMan, though. In this group we share cool music we found or made in the soundation community. Or you could just sit and chat.please post only 10 songs a month. those songs should be your best ones. Oh, and please show off as much as you like.
The Chords


ChordsBoy Avatar
ChordsBoy9 years ago
Hey, ChordsBoy here with my new track: Retro Electronica! I'm really proud of this, so please have a listen :D
UnicornMan Avatar
UnicornMan9 years ago
see now try scrolling down to the right
UnicornMan Avatar
UnicornMan9 years ago
UnicornMan Avatar
UnicornMan9 years ago
did you guys ever know you can coment out of the boxy thing
GøldenBeats  Avatar
GøldenBeats 9 years ago
Wait,what are you talking about?!It does have something in the description!Why you think I used MJ's pic?!!
UnicornMan Avatar
UnicornMan9 years ago
If you want to join a contest group I just made one.
UnicornMan Avatar
UnicornMan9 years ago
How do I know I its dedicated to michael jackson? It doesn't say any thing in the description. look at this description
GøldenBeats  Avatar
GøldenBeats 9 years ago
I can make a track dedicated to Michael Jackson.Really,I already did!
UnicornMan Avatar
UnicornMan9 years ago
I could make you in charge if you make a track dedicated to someone. Or I could demote ChordsBoy.