G.E.M.S# All girls of C.C.M.S ONLY

G.E.M.S# All girls of C.C.M.S ONLY
As we are gems we are successful and we all can make our own beats and combine that as a group.
nanya18ccms avatartmuhammad18ccms avatarjomo18ccms avatarjjones18ccms avatarBCrenshaw18ccms avatarayunusi18ccms avatarmbrunette18ccms avatarnmcdowell18ccms avatarsmooody18ccms avatarjcardozo18 avatariblakes18ccms avatarclungrin18ccms avatarwhermanstyne18ccms avatarjhernandez18ccms avataroomoworare18ccms avatar
As we are gems we are successful and we all can make our own beats and combine that as a group.
G.E.M.S# All girls of C.C.M.S ONLY


nanya18ccms Avatar
nanya18ccms9 years ago
you go to the bottom where it says post a track and click it
tmuhammad18ccms Avatar
tmuhammad18ccms9 years ago
how you post a track again
nanya18ccms Avatar
nanya18ccms9 years ago
tmuhammad18ccms Avatar
tmuhammad18ccms9 years ago
this is cool