Online studio
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Soundation CEDM Group Profile Picture
Created November 14, 2012

Soundation CEDM

CEDM = Christian Electronic Dance Music

This group is meant for Christian producers on Soundation to talk about and share music. You don’t necessarily have to be a Christian to join, but I ask that all members respect the rules for this group:

1. No swearing. Please, you’re better than that.
2. Treat fellow members the way you would want to be treated.
3. Please no inappropriate content (music, comments, etc.), keep it clean.
4. This group will allow you to recommend yourself, however please refrain from spamming.

Have fun, make music, and remember that Jesus loves you.

(Concerning the violation of rules 1-3, first time violators will be warned and asked to right their wrong. Second time violators will be asked to leave the group. Third time violators will be removed.)

