soundation vs soundation

soundation vs soundation
there will be people going against each other on this soundation group i will pick teams it will be a 6 vs 6 annd by the end of the month it will be another 6 if your team loses twice then your team is out TEAM1 TEAM2 cat vs cyberbit tydal wave vs chrono savaz vs origin earth noize vs musicextreme renegade vs younglove krackhedo vs jubblet wyatt vs J-SNAP week1 TRAP week2 BIG house
mypglit avatarThe 6th music avatarcat avatarM-possible avatarTAGGEST avatarCyverbit avataryounglove avatarJubblett‮​​ avatarT.H.M  avatargirlsontherun avatar4EYED avatarblaine kelly nelson avatarCorpse avatarREVIL K avatarLilDre~BEATS~ avatarParadox avatarDJ Black Code avatarisigamer9000 avatarDUTCH avatar
there will be people going against each other on this soundation group i will pick teams it will be a 6 vs 6 annd by the end of the month it will be another 6 if your team loses twice then your team is out TEAM1 TEAM2 cat vs cyberbit tydal wave vs chrono savaz vs origin earth noize vs musicextreme renegade vs younglove krackhedo vs jubblet wyatt vs J-SNAP week1 TRAP week2 BIG house
soundation vs soundation


The 6th music Avatar
The 6th music11 years ago
hey are we still doing this
mypglit Avatar
mypglit11 years ago
week1 is trap
mypglit Avatar
mypglit11 years ago
try to get a lot of people evertbody
mypglit Avatar
mypglit11 years ago
The 6th music Avatar
The 6th music11 years ago
is trapstep aloud
mypglit Avatar
mypglit11 years ago
me in wyatt on hopping on
mypglit Avatar
mypglit11 years ago
the contest starts now everybody
The 6th music Avatar
The 6th music11 years ago
what now then @J-SNAP
Jubblett‮​​ Avatar
Jubblett‮​​11 years ago
I am the 12th person! I hope I get to team with Music Extreme/Cyberbit. :3