Permafrost Remix Contest

Permafrost Remix Contest
Remix my new track permafrost! There will be 3 winners. All of them get featured on my profile and my youtube channel. 3rd place gets featured on the group, 2nd place also gets featured but also gets on my yt, and third place gets all of them + a month of free discord nitro. heres the stems if u need em: https: // (remove the space) you have until March 15 :)
(Sam The Giant) avatar26ahobbi299958 avatarSev avatarTEOSA avatar
Remix my new track permafrost! There will be 3 winners. All of them get featured on my profile and my youtube channel. 3rd place gets featured on the group, 2nd place also gets featured but also gets on my yt, and third place gets all of them + a month of free discord nitro. heres the stems if u need em: https: // (remove the space) you have until March 15 :)
Permafrost Remix Contest


Sev Avatar
Sev9 days ago
TIMES UP!!! get submitting guys
Sev Avatar
Sev21 days ago
sam the giant my boy ill send a drive link
(Sam The Giant) Avatar
(Sam The Giant)a month ago
i xant see the stems