Music makerz

Music makerz
if you are the most awesome music maker in the whole world then join this group as it is for the people who's music is the best of the best!!!!xxxx plus if you join my group and post a song I will like it and listen to it!!!!! also if you like this group feel free to join my other absolutely amazing groups and please listen to my songs and see if you like them .......thank you xxxx PLEASE FOLLOW MY TRACKS PLEASE I REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOY THEM IT WOULD MEAN A LOT TO ME THANKS XXX!!!!!;)
Isabel Walker ;) avatarLIM avatarBOLTHEAD avatarjjsmooth avatarDUTCH avatarKNB avatarAsiaP avatarP.B.H_E$CO avatar𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖 avatar
if you are the most awesome music maker in the whole world then join this group as it is for the people who's music is the best of the best!!!!xxxx plus if you join my group and post a song I will like it and listen to it!!!!! also if you like this group feel free to join my other absolutely amazing groups and please listen to my songs and see if you like them .......thank you xxxx PLEASE FOLLOW MY TRACKS PLEASE I REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOY THEM IT WOULD MEAN A LOT TO ME THANKS XXX!!!!!;)
Music makerz


Xephyr Avatar
Xephyr11 years ago
Please listen to my newest song, Stand! It mixes tons of genres. Feedback would be nice, I'm pretty sure I've just created a new genre:
Isabel Walker ;) Avatar
Isabel Walker ;)12 years ago
hi encourage your friends and that to join this amazing group thank u xxx
Isabel Walker ;) Avatar
Isabel Walker ;)12 years ago
hi everyone I hope u are enjoying my group you can post all your track and I will announce which is my fave track soon LOLxxx
Isabel Walker ;) Avatar
Isabel Walker ;)12 years ago
hi everyone im holding a contest so vote for a different track that is not your own and I will declare the winner on august the 10th thank you
Isabel Walker ;) Avatar
Isabel Walker ;)12 years ago
my group by the way
Xephyr Avatar
Xephyr12 years ago
Feel free to join my group! Just read the rules.
Xephyr Avatar
Xephyr12 years ago
I'm going to post some of my works. Enjoy!
D-Nice Avatar
D-Nice12 years ago
Hey just joined check out my songs let me know what you think!
BOLTHEAD12 years ago
im in posted on of my favs