Mix Down Contest

Mix Down Contest
If you just got an invite, give your creativity a try! Please create and submit a track as if you were doing a soundtrack for a movie with a train in mind. Have fun! NEW CONTEST!!! Make a track with a TRAIN in mind!! The theme is ...a train! Everyone should create a track with a train in mind to see how it translates into music and also to see how everyone has different ideas around it. HAVE FUN!! Think of the motion, sounds of the train subway etc. The contest will end after the first 5 tracks get posted. I will leave it open for voting 2 weeks after the last track is added.
theway avatarFrozen Flame Studios avatarMa-Lacky avatarclaudemwilson avatarShockade avatarJix avatarNorbe avatarCyber Posix avatarDJ SI-YOU avatarkeoni avatarTAGGEST avatarGood boy avatar
If you just got an invite, give your creativity a try! Please create and submit a track as if you were doing a soundtrack for a movie with a train in mind. Have fun! NEW CONTEST!!! Make a track with a TRAIN in mind!! The theme is ...a train! Everyone should create a track with a train in mind to see how it translates into music and also to see how everyone has different ideas around it. HAVE FUN!! Think of the motion, sounds of the train subway etc. The contest will end after the first 5 tracks get posted. I will leave it open for voting 2 weeks after the last track is added.
Mix Down Contest


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Frozen Flame Studios Avatar
Frozen Flame Studios12 years ago
Sorry i couldnt make my track because my computer adobe is messing up and the studio wont work
keoni Avatar
keoni12 years ago
I just posted a track called "no worries"
Cyverbit Avatar
Cyverbit12 years ago
@Everyone: Check out the Team Soundation group. Andreas is conducting a poll for new SAM-1 instruments!
ArtWork Avatar
ArtWork12 years ago
got a vote!! :D
Cyber Posix Avatar
Cyber Posix12 years ago
I'll join after I'm done my album...
theway Avatar
theway12 years ago
The contest will end after the first 5 tracks get posted. I will leave it open for voting 2 weeks after the last track is added.
Jix Avatar
Jix12 years ago
So the theme is trains? When will this contest end? I'll probably get started on it right after I'm done with my album: "Purgeful Whiplash".
theway Avatar
theway12 years ago