Let's Make Beats

Let's Make Beats
Hey beat-makers and producers! Post your beats, look at other beats, give good feedback, and keep it positive. Let's all give each other a hand up. NOTE: Vote on some beats, so we can have features every couple weeks.
99RED avatar[this project has concluded] avatarDejay L avatarYeezo Beats avatarNfislife avatarDJ ANG3L avatarMGA avatarBlackArachnid avatarzekekarge3311 avatarZackman avatar TWILL   avatarTre Flacko avatar
Hey beat-makers and producers! Post your beats, look at other beats, give good feedback, and keep it positive. Let's all give each other a hand up. NOTE: Vote on some beats, so we can have features every couple weeks.
Let's Make Beats


Tre Flacko Avatar
Tre Flacko7 years ago
Check out my shit y'all. I'm lit!!!!
BlackArachnid Avatar
BlackArachnid7 years ago
plz consider this https://soundation.com/t/dn4k1 its really good
Geo Avatar
Geo7 years ago
Hey guy I just joined check out my songs (^-^)
99RED Avatar
99RED7 years ago
Hey! So this place has been kinda dead for a while. There seems to be a little case of inactivity on Soundation. Let's get this place going again! Not just this group, but the whole site!
BlackArachnid Avatar
BlackArachnid7 years ago
feel free to leave comments on mah tracks peeps
99RED Avatar
99RED7 years ago
Aye! People?! Where's the music? Y'all been asleep? :D
99RED Avatar
99RED8 years ago
Check it out! New beat I'm writing over! https://soundcloud.com/lumberjaxxrap/they-cant
I2OLATE  Avatar
I2OLATE 8 years ago
hey check out me and Tophats new song.