Legends of Electro House

Legends of Electro House
This group is dedicated to makers and fans of the electro house scene! Although this group is not exclusive to "Legends" of Electro House, we intend to focus on it, even if some of our tracks aren't exclusively Electro House either ! Feel free to post tracks, leave comments and PM us- The Chocolate Afroteers- at any time :D
TheChocolateAfroteers avatardjspezzlive avatarThe Cosummer avatarDJ CubaTracho avatarJakeOas avatarfalse blonde avatarMa-Lacky avatarLedrea Heavens avatarAvyva avatarCorpse avatarDJ Matthew M. avatar
This group is dedicated to makers and fans of the electro house scene! Although this group is not exclusive to "Legends" of Electro House, we intend to focus on it, even if some of our tracks aren't exclusively Electro House either ! Feel free to post tracks, leave comments and PM us- The Chocolate Afroteers- at any time :D
Legends of Electro House


teddy beat Avatar
teddy beat13 years ago
hey thats the legend of my group ;)
djspezzlive Avatar
djspezzlive13 years ago
hopefully this group grows in time lol