This group is about half the same as the original “Hershey Group” But instead we are even sweeter!!!!, And, We don’t just help people, BUT WE MAKE MUSIC TOO!!! :D, This group is more stronger than any other group before, We even have our own account to share :D!!!, We will work together and make the best music of all time!!, We will try to get a featured group!!! (Ours and other users not in this group), So join in the best group ever as we keep helping and making music together!!!, Rules: 5 followers, 10 Favorites on a song (Yes, You can combine favorites from different songs of yours), And, We also have a YouTube channel for ourselfs, And anyone can join, The amount of users will never stop!!!, Hope we can make it to 150 members.
Our Soundation Account: CookiesNKreamGroup. Our YouTube Account: OfficialCookiesNKreamGroup (Its Open Now!!!)
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